ORC Windrats needs more room

Had a nasty surprise this afternoon scoring an ORC distance race. This is part of a three day event which usually includes a long upwind day, a shorter downwind and a third day can be a bit of a reach or anyway mixed course of wind directions.

ORC has recently offered a 5 number system for Predominately Upwind, Predominately Downwind and an All Purpose range as well. Along with a host of other ratings for WL and other stuff.

This is a good fit for our event. But it requires managing 15 ratings, which is a serious PITA, and the Windrats string can be very long. Turns out there is about 100 char max to the string.

A rating string with 15 values looks like this:
0.8232, 0.9961, 1.1447, 1.2435, 1.2947, 0.7942, 0.9493, 1.0745, 1.149, 1.1827, 0,7833, 0.9686, 1.1444, 1.2813, 1.3679

So if you happen to have a windy day, as we did, and find yourself specifying 5DW5-MH or 5DW-H (ORC speak for 5 number downwind Medium-High or High), and if your 15 number string has the downwind values at the end, they are truncated. No ratings.

So a fix is needed, if possible, to stretch the Windrats string to something larger, like maybe 200 chars.

As a general squeeky wheel again, while I understand that SW is intended primarily for dinghies in the UK, we do use it for our big boat events, and of course mostly it works like a charm. Yet SW does a lousy job of managing ratings. We can get them in from a remote file using an interesting kludge around the class description (change it to sail number) and no one is looking for more work. But ratings are a part of life, and it would be lovely to see some progress in this direction. An external file with sail number, standard rating and windrats would do the trick, because then we could use external software to generate the rating files.

Anyway . . . .

After a couple of anxious hours this afternoon, I think all is well. Phone has not been ringing in any case. Just watch out for Windrats!


Hi John
Nice to hear from you - Though nobody likes nasty surprises when they are scoring!!
I’ve created a new version 2.35.1 for you with the Windratings increased by an extra 50% which I hope will be long enough to solve these additional ratings - I don’t want to make them unnecessarily long as it just wastes memory and make things bit slower so let me know if this works for you. I thought it would be a 10-minute job but 3 hrs later here we are - there are lots of places which needed to be increased.


You can download the zip file from here

Make sure you have the latest version from the Sailwave website 2.34.0 installed and then after downloading from the link above unzip the file and place the 3 files in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Sailwave folder replacing the existing ones

Version 2.35 also has a new feature of Copy and Paste of scoring codes so when you have a lot of Black flags just give this code to the first one and then you can use control C to copy and control V to paste into all the others - just an example but there are many other uses. The Zip file also includes updated plugins for the IrishSailing and the RRS Racing Rules of Sailing that have been updated since the release of 2.34

I must however disagree with you that Sailwave is intended primarily for dinghies in the UK. Scoring Dinghies in the UK is generally a relatively simple task. Sailwave has extensive features for yachts and the big boats. - As many or more than any other program that I’m aware of that covers the whole spectrum of sailing.

Drop me an email to jon@sailwave.com with what you would like to see in the external file for ratings - Sailwave has a Windows messaging system so we could implement this as a plugin which would allow us to implement this quickly without affecting other Sailwave users who don’t need it.

Sorry for the late reply. I seem to be caught up in a forum loop – doesn’t like my sending email so my reply to you last night bounced. And seems to be gone from my system also.

Anyway, thanks very much for your quick action. Got today off just fine, and all seems well. There’s no question the ORC ratings are over the top. A good winter discussion.

I apologize for my dig at SW and big boats. We are very happy clients, and use SW for everything including making morning coffee. But I would love it if we could spend some energy on rating files. Especially because of ORC, but not exclusively, ratings are becoming hard to manage. If we could have an external file that would pull ratings into SW based on sail number it would be a blessing. I know there is a method using the class field, but as noted previously there are some problems with that approach. Working with external lists seems to be coming more necessary.

Sounds like there might be issues with file size – you can comment as necessary. Anyway, maybe something over the winter could be done. With all your spare cycles, of course. (if any).

Thanks again. Turned out to be an excellent regatta after we cleaned up all the finger trouble errors. Appreciate your help!
