Our club, our needs, our methods

Hello Colin and all, greetings from Torndao Alley Sailng Club in
Memphis, TN, USA.

We are a trailering club racing under Portsmouth with wind
handicapping for two series per year (7-8 meetings over three

We use the alternate low-point scoring system (AA prescription). In
this version, the competitor is scored on an average of the races
sailed (no score or penalty for DNS).

We require 60% participation in all races sailed to qualify for
series honors. We account for members rotating through RC duty by
deducting the number of races served from the total number of races
competed so that service does not affect participation percentage.

I've had the program for a month now and have found some of the
utilities needed. I've searched past posts, but I still have some

Is there a way to only score the races competed and not 1+all for DNS?

To auto-calculate and include in results the participation %?

To adjust that percentage for RC duty?