Percentage Scoring Penalty

The SIs say “Failure to eTally or sign as specified in SIs 16.2 and 16.3 will result in a scoring penalty being imposed – i.e. a penalty without hearing; on the first occasion the boat’s score in that race made worse by a 15% scoring penalty (SP1); and on each subsequent occasion the boat’s score in that race made worse 30% scoring penalty (SP2) calculated as RRS 44.3(c).”

As far as I can see there isn’t a method for applying a percentage, though there is a method for adding points,in Scoring codes. Is that because it is not allowed in RRS 44.3(c)?

Is there a way to apply a percentage apart from manual calculation?

Hi Richard,

Sorry I couldn’t hear you properly

I’m sure this is what you want



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Thanks. Yes, that would be a good solution but unfortunately that’s not what the SIs say. So we’ve gone for a straight number of points (or as 44.3c would say, places) and no doubt review for next year.

Thanks again

Enjoy North Wales if you can!


Hi Richard,

Are you sure that the option Jon has highlighted is not what the SIs say, that is a “15% scoring penalty … calculated as RRS 44.3(c)”?

RRS 44.3(c) says “…When the number of places is not stated [in the NoR or SIs], the penalty shall be 20% of the score for Did Not Finish, rounded to the nearest whole number (0.5 rounded upward)”, and that is exactly how Sailwave calculates the method "Points for place of (finishing place + N percent of DNF points).

Hi Richard,

There are a few areas in the RRS that reference the calculation of a scoring penalty as per RRS 44.3(c) and Jon’s method is the proper way to calculate those scores.

I am somewhat confused. Can you give us the score calculation of a boat that finished in 3rd place and received a 15% scoring penalty calculation as per your SI’s for an event with 44 boats entered using the low point scoring system?

One thing to remember is that if a boat receives multiple scoring penalties, the percentages are not added, but the rounded penalty places are added. An example of multiple penalties could be a RRS 30.2 and an ARBITRATION POST-RACE T1(b) penalty.

Thanks for your replies.

First, I didn’t write the SIs, I just get the fun of trying to implement them in Sailwave!

I suspect these penalties were invented some time ago with the best intentions and have possibly been bowderalised over the years. I say years because this is an annual event so the SIs are scrutinised infrequently.

Anyway, we did a quick SI amendment to change the penalty to a fixed number of places (RRS)/points (SW) and hopefully the powers-that-be will have a think about it for next year.

Yep, I know that multiple % penalties are applied one at a time. Seems most unreasonable to me but there you go.

Where RRS 44.3(c) requires “However, the penalty shall not cause the boat’s score to be worse than the score for Did Not Finish.” how do we put an upper limit on the total points added so that the score is not made worse than DNF?

Hi Matthew,
Welcome back.

Sailwave automatically takes care of “boat’s score to be worse than the score for Did Not Finish.” :slight_smile:
Kind regards,

I must have done something wrong then because in the test file I’m working on with a 23 boat fleet when I apply a 6 point penalty to the boat that finished in 21st in the race his score goes to 27 rather than stopping at the DNF score of 24.
I’m testing if I can get the penalty to be applied but at the same time display that the boat finished the race in 21st. Something like “21 (+DPI=24)”

Hi Matthew<

My apologies I was wrong it is not all methods that are capped. I am checking with the developer, Jon, to find out which ones.

The 4th method in list ‘Points for place of (finishing place + N percent of DNF’ does cap.

Apologies again.
Kind regards,

Thanks Huw.
It would be nice to know which ones do and which don’t. It might be worthwhile putting it into the guide hover text or having it as an option in the future.

Hi Matthew,

I will add to list of updated User Guide.

I hope Jon will provide list of methods which honor RRS 44.3(c) soon.

Kind regards,

Hi Matthew,

Jon has let me know which methods are capped:

  • percentage penalty has a limit of DNF Points
  • percentage penalty DNF also has a limit of DNF points
  • percentage penalty (race) also has limit of DNF points
  • percentage penalty (max start) also has limit of DNF points

others such as “set points by hand” and “fixed points of” are not adjusted

I hope that helps.

Kind regards,

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Thanks for the update Huw.
For the monment I’ll use the percentage penalty and calculate the percentage that matches the ifxed point penalty we need for the event.
Looks like I’m out of luck in getting the published results to display their finishing place (excluding penalty) and points (including penalty) in the same cell.