Hello all,
I have used Sailwave NCH progressive handicapping successfully to score races run by Abu Dhabi Sailing Club for the past couple of seasons. Super!
The club handicapped races are generally sailed in separate fleets of single and double-handed dinghies with mixed classes of dinghy in each fleet.
ADSC uses NCH to providing progressive handicaps for each helm although Portsmouth Numbers are available for each class of dinghy. Progressive handicapping gives sailors of various skill levels the chance to win a mug. People like that.
The previous scoring system using steam powered Excel gave progressive “personal handicaps” (PH) for each helm as a percentage of the Dinghy PN number. People relate to this information. For example a helm sailing an RS400 (PN 944) knows more clearly that he is faster than the class benchmark with a PH of 97% than when he is informed his NCH Rating is (equivalently) 915.
Therefore I would like work out how to use NCH to derive personal handicaps according to the formula PH = NCH Rating/PY*100.
The data needed (PY and NCH) is already in Sailwave. I need to work out how to set up the helper spreadsheet to calculate PH per the formula above, and then to import the result into Sailwave.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Ian Grant
Hi Ian - If I understand correctly you would like to publish the new rating as a percentage of the base rating. One way to do that would be to use the NewRating column/field as this is only used for display purposes and does not affect the calculations.
So as an example using the default template which uses TCF Time Correction Factor if we look at the config worksheet we see this
![Inline images 1]()
Here you can see it picks up the *NewRating from the cells starting at AA9 (and down) which is the same as the *ReAligned.
If you put your new calculation in say AG9 (and down) and changed the *NewRating to AG9 in the config sheet then it would display as a percentage
If RatingConvert is on (see above) then if you are using PY numbers they will be converted to the equivalent TCF for use in the worksheet so I guess that would also work.
But as the worksheet is working in TCF then use the formula that calculates the percentage based on TCF
Let us know how you get on
On 3 May 2016 at 20:48, ian.grant12@gmail.com [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:
Hello all,
I have used Sailwave NCH progressive handicapping successfully to score races run by Abu Dhabi Sailing Club for the past couple of seasons. Super!
The club handicapped races are generally sailed in separate fleets of single and double-handed dinghies with mixed classes of dinghy in each fleet.
ADSC uses NCH to providing progressive handicaps for each helm although Portsmouth Numbers are available for each class of dinghy. Progressive handicapping gives sailors of various skill levels the chance to win a mug. People like that.
The previous scoring system using steam powered Excel gave progressive “personal handicaps” (PH) for each helm as a percentage of the Dinghy PN number. People relate to this information. For example a helm sailing an RS400 (PN 944) knows more clearly that he is faster than the class benchmark with a PH of 97% than when he is informed his NCH Rating is (equivalently) 915.
Therefore I would like work out how to use NCH to derive personal handicaps according to the formula PH = NCH Rating/PY*100.
The data needed (PY and NCH) is already in Sailwave. I need to work out how to set up the helper spreadsheet to calculate PH per the formula above, and then to import the result into Sailwave.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Ian Grant
Jon Eskdale
07530 112233
Skype “eskdale”