Personal handicaps

I’d like to introduce the personal handicap idea for our Wednesday evening PHRF racing. I’ll use aliases, so we can score both ways.

But here’s a question: after each race we’ll get a new rating for the next race. But I can’t tell how that race is scored using the standard SW implementation. Our formula is a TCF of 650 / (520 +rating). Will that be the formula for subsequent races, or do we revert to another TCF system?




John R Culter
Medinet Vancouver
604 742-8832 or 604 908-3118 mobile

Hi John,

The NHC progressive handicap system is designed for TCF. It does support rating systems such as Portsmouth Yardstick by doing a conversion from PY to TCF - perform the calculation and then convert back to PY. But there has to be a direct relationship between the two rating systems

So the easiest for you would be to use a TCF rating for the progressive handicap otherwise you are into a custom system (which is possible with Sailwave if you wish to go that route).


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