Plugin status for Joomla 4

ANyone know if Colum has written the Joomla importer to work on Joomla 4… or if existing one works?

Hi David,
Welcome to the Sailwave User Group forum.

Having had a look at the downloads page the code has not moved on since June 2016.

It has seemed reasonably popular with 198 downloads.

Hopefully Calum, will see your post and respond or someone with Joomla integration skills will take a
look at the code and update to work with Joomla4.

Kind regards,

Does nearly a later count as a record for a reply.

Short answer: no it’s never been developed.

My home club dropped J! as a CMS. And I’ve not done any J! Dev for a while.

The main reason for the importer - was that J3.0 didn’t offer sufficiently granular user rights to stop someone having an account that could just re-write the whole site. I think that’s no longer the case. However, I can still see an attraction to having a one click publishing model. I’d say the FTP into a folder and scan the folder was a poor substitute to a modern API.

I’m afraid the solution for now would be a blog post copied in to a J! Article. That’s how we handle it in SailingClubManager which sadly could also make much better use of an API