Problem with languages in locale

When I include any language .txt file in the “Global Options” an error appears when starting the Sailwave again. A window opens [Specify Stats] before the Sailwave program opens. Asks for “Available starts”. It can be easily closed with escape or clicking on [Ok] or [Cancel]. But it only appears when a .txt file with the translation is entered.

I am using the 2.33 and 2.34 versions

Welcome to the Sailwave user group

I have just confirmed that the specify starts window that you are seeing is a bug that has been introduced recently

The Specify Starts window is a new window that is accessible from the Sailnumber wizard so that you can use only the starts you specify in the wizard - this was introduced in 2.30 so if you try using 2.29 then you shouldn’t get this happening - I will try and get a fix as soon as possible but for the time being either just close the window when you start Sailwave or use version 2.29 - Thank you for reporting it


Ok, using 2.29 or using esc is good while the bug is fixed. I found this while working in the Spanish translation. I hope to have it soon to share it with all.


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Great to hear you are working on a Spanish translation.

I appreciate there are some differences but I am sure this will be welcomed by Sailwave users in South America as much as Spain.

Kind regards,

Hola Francisco,

Any update on your Spanish translation?

Another user was asking Jon in a chat session if one was available.

Kind regards,

Hola Huw, I had to stop translating for some months, I have restarted during the hollidays and hope I can finish next week.

Hope to have good news soon…

I have an issue that delays the translation, the spanish accents (like á, ú, ñ, etc.) are not recognized in Sailwave so I have to change each word that has one accent! No big deal…

I still have this bug

with the Ver 2.34.00


Hopefully, this is all fixed in 2.36.0 you can download the .exe only from

One download replace the Sailwave.exe in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Sailwave with the one download

Any problems let me know



Hi Jon, thanks for the file, it already works fine with the locale files.

I have the Spanish translation almost ready.
I have not been able to translate the properties bar; I cannot find it…

How do I send you the file for your review?

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The Properties bar translation will be in the “M” file

Please see the instructions for translating
How do I create and use locales? | Sailwave

About 3/4 down this page there is a section
The ‘M’ File for dynamic text Translation

You will find all the text in there

You can send me the files by email to or WhatsApp on the mobile number below

I look forward to seeing them



Jon, please send me your mobile number to send you some questions on WhatsApp

Hi Huw, I have finished the translation to spanish. I sent the files de Jon. Let me know if it is ok.


Hi fjcastil,

Very well done and Jon has passed the files on to me.

I am sure the Spanish users of Sailwave wil also thank you.

Kind regards,