Publishing notes

In Edit race, the hover message informs: “These cannot be published at the moment but are useful for private notes.” This is out of date; notes here publish between the race header and info lines.
Notes inserted in the Publish dialogue appear before the first start header, after the Series summary:

“Edit race” notes publish anyway, “Publish” notes only if the “Publish notes” box is ticked.

I like to include course, wind, RO info for the record, but find the provided fields for wind rather cumbersome leading to a very long info line. I add the info to “Course” leading to a neat, compact and consistent format, eg;
OK, Wind: NW3, RO: RK
where OK was the course.
I enjoy using Sailwave but I’m still at the “see what happens when I do this…” stage!

Hi Richard,
Welcome back and thank you for your information. I will add when I next update the User Guide.

Hopefully, Jon will update the pop-up info window dialogue at some point.

Kind regards,