We currently print paper timing sheets… for each fleet, they list all of the competitors (helmname, sailno/altsailno, boat) and “checked in (Y/N)” and “started race (Y/N)” fields. And they contain a separate table to record finish times… sailno and finish time. A header at the top contains the fleet name, and has space for entering course, race start, and other critical information. After the race finishes, we transcribe the paper result into SailWave live on the committee boat.
I’d like to generate those from SailWave. The Publish/“Sign on/off sheet” is a good start, but it’s a flat list of all competitors.
I’m aware of the extensibility points via plugins and effects. But I’m not sure what I’d like to create can be expressed by one.
As a quick solution, I wrote a bit of Python to process the SailWave XML file and produce an .html file per fleet formatted the way I’d like. But I’d love to have it more deeply integrated into the app!
You could look at the SWCList program, but I think to get exactly what you want you would be best off using the messaging system built into Sailwave to
Communicate with Sailwave and then print your sheet.
With the messaging system, you can ask Sailwave to send you the competitors and this could then be received by your app and print in your desired format.
You seem to be happy using Python, which is fine as the messaging system can be used with Python (It can be used with any language capable of using the Windows Messaging)
Peter van Muyden (Canada) is an experienced Sailwave user on this forum, who has done some excellent work using the Sailwave messaging and Python. There are some samples using the messaging written in VB.Net and I have the Python code to communicate with Sailwave but no full example in Python. Is that something you would be interested in? Would Python be the language of your choice
Thanks Jon! SWCList is pretty close, but I don’t see how to customize the output to add the boilerplate for capturing race finish times.
Can you point me to the Python code for communicating with Sailwave? Raw proof-of-concept is fine… I’m an experienced software engineer… I wrote parts of Visual Basic way back when.
I’ll be happy to share my code out when it is ready.
Thanks for the Github post. I’ll try to find some time to try it out at the weekend. I don’t do much with Python, but it’s nice and readable.
You produced that very quickly (impressive)
There is a lot that can be done with the messaging. Including entering the competitors from a web entry system, and also entering the results directly through the messaging.