Publishing rating with race results

1. We are running a personal handicap system and the race ratings for the competitors change with each race. I'd like to publish the ratings with the results for each race but can't see how. Thought 'publish', 'options' looked good but none of the options are race rating. Any ideas?

2. We have been running a personal handicap series for a couple of years. Last year I used the personal handicap facility within sailwave and developed an algorithm which initially worked quite well but had the problem of either the mean py drifting (which gave new entries a hard time) or when I added an offset to maintain the mean, effected competitors who did not compete in a particular race (ie I couldn't get the offset to only be applied to those who sailed - a sort of IF NOT DNC was what I wanted)

It all got to be too much trouble so this year I'm using hand power and my skill and judgement - after each race I alter the rating for the top and bottom 30% for the subsequent races using 'edit result', 'rating' and changing the race rating and checking 'use this rating until a new rating specified'.

For the initial races I used quite a coarse adjustment which has got finer as the series progressed and it seems to be working as well as the algorithm based system of last year.

However an automatic system would be less effort. Has anyone got any good algorithms that they feel work while maintaining the mean py to give new entries a fair shout?

Suggest you look at Sail100 programme ( ) which is the programme I have used for over 10 years and never actually got into using Sailwave.

It seems to have already got many of the features not in Sailwave and while it is perhaps less flexible, as a result needs far less setting up.

Might be thrown off the e-mail list for suggesting this, but it does do Personal handicaps (and pursuit races) rather well.

Allows for drift (can be neutralized in several ways).

Can be a bit quirky to use at first sight.

Norman Doidge,

Oakyarde, 8 Bunting Close, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6BU

Tel 01 626 364 333 Mob 07 968 375 528


Hon Sailing Secretary,

Royal Dart Yacht Club, Priory Street, Kingswear, Dartmouth, TQ6 0AB

General Office 01 803 752 496 Sailing Office 01 803 752 704 e-mail


----- Original Message -----

Ted Cordall


Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 6:31 PM

Subject: [sailwave] Publishing rating with race results

  1. We are running a personal handicap system and the race ratings for the competitors change with each race. I’d like to publish the ratings with the results for each race but can’t see how. Thought ‘publish’, ‘options’ looked good but none of the options are race rating. Any ideas?

  2. We have been running a personal handicap series for a couple of years. Last year I used the personal handicap facility within sailwave and developed an algorithm which initially worked quite well but had the problem of either the mean py drifting (which gave new entries a hard time) or when I added an offset to maintain the mean, effected competitors who did not compete in a particular race (ie I couldn’t get the offset to only be applied to those who sailed - a sort of IF NOT DNC was what I wanted)

It all got to be too much trouble so this year I’m using hand power and my skill and judgement - after each race I alter the rating for the top and bottom 30% for the subsequent races using ‘edit result’, ‘rating’ and changing the race rating and checking ‘use this rating until a new rating specified’.

For the initial races I used quite a coarse adjustment which has got finer as the series progressed and it seems to be working as well as the algorithm based system of last year.

However an automatic system would be less effort. Has anyone got any good algorithms that they feel work while maintaining the mean py to give new entries a fair shout?

1. We are running a personal handicap system and the race ratings for the competitors change with each race. I'd like to publish the ratings with the results for each race but can't see how. Thought 'publish', 'options' looked good but none of the options are race rating. Any ideas?

Go to 'View', 'Re-arrange columns' and make sure that View and Publish both have 'Yes' by them. You can re-name the column 'Handicap' if that's a better description for your use.
If running a series where handicaps change, the Series Summary only shows the starting handicap, rather than the current handicap, but the individual race results do show the actual handicap used for the race in question. (see for example

2. We have been running a personal handicap series for a couple of years. Last year I used the personal handicap facility within sailwave and developed an algorithm which initially worked quite well but had the problem of either the mean py drifting (which gave new entries a hard time) or when I added an offset to maintain the mean, effected competitors who did not compete in a particular race (ie I couldn't get the offset to only be applied to those who sailed - a sort of IF NOT DNC was what I wanted)

It all got to be too much trouble so this year I'm using hand power and my skill and judgement - after each race I alter the rating for the top and bottom 30% for the subsequent races using 'edit result', 'rating' and changing the race rating and checking 'use this rating until a new rating specified'.

For the initial races I used quite a coarse adjustment which has got finer as the series progressed and it seems to be working as well as the algorithm based system of last year.

However an automatic system would be less effort. Has anyone got any good algorithms that they feel work while maintaining the mean py to give new entries a fair shout?

A few years ago I had a long chat with my neighbour, who's a golfer. IIRC golf handicaps are changed per season, presumably for the same sort of reasons that affect sailboat racing: real world performances vary according to many different factors. I now do something similar at Lancing SC, but for a different approach see recent posts (around message 9312) by Ralph Tingle on the system he uses.

Lancing SC


--- In, "Ted Cordall" <ted@...> wrote: