Ian answered separately but let me give another view.
There are a lot of things that would be a "good idea" to include on a results webpage. Home town, country, club, skipper name, helm name, crew name, event date, event time, event club, event place, event address, event city, event country, and on and on. However, including all of them would be a bad idea since it would make the tables unreadable. So, it is REALLY helpful if stuff is optional.
I like to put the date of the race in the page title (Publish|Title) rather than as part of each fleet name. That way it only gets printed on the page once. On the other hand, I can suppress printing of date and time by leaving the text boxes under "Edit|Edit race" blank. But, it would be better to have check boxes somewhere as to whether that should be included with the name of the Fleet.
In the same vein, under "Publish|Results|Title" there are many symbols I cannot use but want to. Using # inserts today's date. But, I want to indicate that this is Race #1 of the series. I have to go in and edit the generated HTML file by hand. Similarly, I cannot use a comma or a dash (although a hyphen is usable). I would suggest that the Title should allow ANY ASCII symbol to be used and that today's date be invoked by ### (three in a row, which it is unlikely anyone would want to use) and the current time be invoked by @@@ (instead of just @, same reasoning).
Also, it would be nice if we could decide what to include in the "caption" for each race (including nothing). For example, my PHRF races show "Start:Start 1, Finishes:Finish time, Time:11:00, Distance:23.0 nm" for a race. Now the "Start" information is unhelpful and redundant since the start time is actually shown (which I would prefer to say "Start Time" rather than "Time"). Since I show finish times in the table the "Finishes:Finish time" is pretty useless also. Finally, it would be nice if there was a space after the comma for these items (to be grammatically correct).
Making a lot of this type of stuff optional when publishing might take some time but it would REALLY make the HTML output a lot prettier (and allow each user to generate the items that they really want).
PS - I like the BCR concept but I would prefer to see it as an optional column in the main view with the option to change the formating of the displayed numbers. That would also allow me to change the column name and to adjust where it prints. I currently use a hex editor to hard-edit the program executable so BCR becomes RTW (Rating To Win), the phrase used locally for this concept for the past 20+ years. That saves me having to edit that in the HTML output file.