Publishing to Excel with Blue Blocks Style

I recently upgraded to 2.16.7 from a very old version (number unknown) Now, when I choose Blue Blocks as the Style when publishing to Excel I do not get the alternating light blue, darker blue backgrounds for each competitor result. The backgrounds show when publishing to an html file but not to Excel. This function worked in the earlier version I was using. Any suggestions? Charlie

Since I have been working on the code it has never imported the background colours into Excel.
I did a few tests to see when this could have changed.

Version 2.5.1 does not display the colours

Version 2.0.2 did display the colours

So I assume it is the way that Excel interprets the CSS.

If any web/css experts want to comment. You can test it by just opening an html file with Excel. There are plenty of files you can download from the Sailwave results page to try it out.



Jon Eskdale
07976 709777

Skype “eskdale”

On 31 July 2014 21:37, [sailwave] wrote:

I recently upgraded to 2.16.7 from a very old version (number unknown) Now, when I choose Blue Blocks as the Style when publishing to Excel I do not get the alternating light blue, darker blue backgrounds for each competitor result. The backgrounds show when publishing to an html file but not to Excel. This function worked in the earlier version I was using. Any suggestions? Charlie

Hi Charlie,
One question I meant to ask was why you wanted/needed to export to Excel with the background colours of the tables present. May be there is better way to get the results you want?



Jon Eskdale
07976 709777

Skype “eskdale”

On 31 July 2014 21:37, [sailwave] wrote:

I recently upgraded to 2.16.7 from a very old version (number unknown) Now, when I choose Blue Blocks as the Style when publishing to Excel I do not get the alternating light blue, darker blue backgrounds for each competitor result. The backgrounds show when publishing to an html file but not to Excel. This function worked in the earlier version I was using. Any suggestions? Charlie

Hi Jon,

Thank you for your reply …

We have been using Excel so we can format the printed output the way we need it. We have milti race series with miltiple fleets and the page breaks often seem to orphan the headers for a fleet or split a fleet onto different pages when printed. Our fleet sizes, individually, do not normally require a page break … meaning the largest fleet’s results will fit one one page in landscape orientation on 8 1/2 x 11" paper. We also “colour code” the series header line to indicate, visuallty, the series … Red with white letters for White Sail events, Pink for Ladies events, Gold for Special events, Blue for Wednesday night series, Green for Saturday series, Etc. Our members seem to like this approach because the club results board is not a sea of similar looking results. You can check our results … sailing, racing, results. You will be able to see the difference between the results we posted earlier this year and now with the 2.16 version … we had a re-sail for the Wednesday series after the upgrade, hence the “new look” Check Tuesday White sail series A & B vs C with the new version (I know theatTuesday is not using Blue Blocks but whatever it is, it nolonger moves the background formatting into Excel). Check the results for 2013 to see what we did in the past… Cheers … Charlie