Questions regarding scores for qualifying series and single series contained in a single BLW file.

We have a series of qualifying races for Radials and single series for Laser 4.7 and Laser. I found the following two issues:

  1. The 10% and 20% penalties are not calculated correctly for the boats in the qualifying series. The original result is not added to the percentage penalty points. The 10% and 20% penalties are been calculated correctly for the Laser 4.7 and Laser Radials who are sailing in a single series.

  2. When publishing the Radials results, the second race is published even though no boats sailed race 2.

Is this a case where we should maintain the qualifying Radial series in a separate BLW file? The boats all sail on a single course, their finishes are overlapping and this why we would like to keep them in a single SailWave file.

A copy of the BLW file is attached. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Peter van Muyden

Good morning Peter,

I am sat here in Pwllheli where I am acting as scorer for Topper

Worlds, unfortunately so far we have had no racing due to strong
winds and sea state. Currently under AP over H, shortly to be AP
over A for the second day.

On to your problems.
  1.     Radial Q2 showing DNC - I manually removed the results and

re-scored and now do not get DNC in Radial Q2.

  1.     10% & 20% penalty - I think 2 out of the 3 are being

calculated correctly,
Laser 198234 placed 10th but with 10% of 20 boats = 2.0 scores
12pts [CORRECT]
Radial 192023 recorded finish 30th in Blue flight so 10% of 39
boats in start = 3.9 scores 34pts, i.e . rounded up to
4.0 as 0.9 greater than 0.5 so rounded up as per RRS 44.3

      Radial 190252 recorded finish 16th but because Radial 161045

placed 2nd but scored DSQ therefore all other boats move up one
place so Radial 190252 gets finish position of 15th so with 10%
of 39 boats in start = 3.9 scores 19pts [CORRECT] .

Kind regards,


On 12/08/2014 01:51, Peter van Muyden
[sailwave] wrote:

          We have a series of qualifying races for

Radials and single series for Laser 4.7 and Laser. I
found the following two issues:
1) The 10% and 20% penalties are not calculated
correctly for the boats in the qualifying series. The
original result is not added to the percentage penalty
points. The 10% and 20% penalties are been calculated
correctly for the Laser 4.7 and Laser Radials who are
sailing in a single series.

            2) When publishing the Radials results, the second

race is published even though no boats sailed race 2.

            Is this a case where we should maintain the

qualifying Radial series in a separate BLW file? The
boats all sail on a single course, their finishes are
overlapping and this why we would like to keep them in a
single SailWave file.

            A copy of the BLW file is attached.  Any suggestions

are appreciated.

Peter van Muyden

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