Race Links

Hi Colin,

In an html document of published results, I’ve
noticed that the R1, R2 & R3 links in a race table do not work.

I believe this is because the ‘R’ in the addresses
is upper case and the ‘r’ in the anchors is lower case.

<a class="racelink" href="#R1fast">R1</a>
<h3 id="r1fast">R1 - Fast Fleet</h3>

Keep up the good work; the continuing improvements are making
Sailwave an even better application.



summer.htm (27.4 KB)

Hi Ian,

Thanks - fixed and uploaded to website as 1.94 build 13.



-----Original Message-----
From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com [mailto:sailwave@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Ian Payne
06 July 2006 13:09
To: Sailwave
Subject: [sailwave] Race Links

Hi Colin,

In an html document of published results, I’ve noticed that the R1, R2 & R3 links in a race table do not work.

I believe this is because the ‘R’ in the addresses is upper case and the ‘r’ in the anchors is lower case.

<a class="racelink" href="#R1fast">R1</a>
<h3 id="r1fast">R1 - Fast Fleet</h3>

Keep up the good work; the continuing improvements are making Sailwave an even better application.

