Race scoring with double points

Hi there - I need to set up a race with double points scores, but not sure how to go about doing this? Any ideas? Many thanks Janet

1 Like


Open the series. Go to setup menu, select user interface. Select race weighting’s check box. Close menu clicking ok. Right click on header of race you wish to assign double points to. Click edit race. Double click the blue line highlighting start 1 (if only one set up), or click edit to the left. There is a box that says weighting. Should be set to 1 as default. Change this to 2 for double points. Then click ok twice and rescore series.

Let us know if it doesn’t work.




On 12 Feb 2018, at 11:49, sailingsecretary@queenmary.org.uk [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi there - I need to set up a race with double points scores, but not sure how to go about doing this? Any ideas? Many thanks Janet

Brilliant, thanks! Will play with this and check it works - shame it’s not obvious from the outset, but seems simple once you know where to look … Janet

Hi Janet.-

Menu - Setup - User interface and tick the box Race weightings

Then right click on the race you wish to modify and select Edit

Then edit the Start - you probably only have one as shown below

Set the weighting to 2.0 and you then have double points for that race

If you need more help please let me know




On 12 February 2018 at 11:49, sailingsecretary@queenmary.org.uk [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi there - I need to set up a race with double points scores, but not sure how to go about doing this? Any ideas? Many thanks Janet

Jon Eskdale
07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

Dear Jon, that’s really helpful – it also answers another question that I had – I can see how I can make my double-points scoring race non-discardable from the screen shots you sent. Many thanks



From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com [mailto:sailwave@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 12 February 2018 13:40
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [sailwave] Race scoring with double points

Hi Janet.-

Menu - Setup - User interface and tick the box Race weightings

Then right click on the race you wish to modify and select Edit

Then edit the Start - you probably only have one as shown below

Set the weighting to 2.0 and you then have double points for that race

If you need more help please let me know



Sent with Mailtrack

Jon Eskdale

07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

On 12 February 2018 at 11:49, sailingsecretary@queenmary.org.uk [sailwave] sailwave@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi there - I need to set up a race with double points scores, but not sure how to go about doing this? Any ideas? Many thanks Janet

The information provided was indeed valuable, but I’m currently utilizing the Rinderle B scoring system, which involves doubling the weight value from 1.00 to 2.00. However, this approach divides the race score instead of doubling it. Can you guide me on how to implement this adjustment within a high point scoring system?

Hi William,

Welcome to the Sailwave User Group forum.

For High Point Scoring to weight races you you have to enter a decimal value, so where you have entered the value 2 in race weighting enter 0.5.

Kind regards,

Hi - It would be very unusual for a race to have a weighting that reduces its effect. If a race has a weighting value of double i.e. the race has a greater effect on the series results then for low points you put a 2 in the weighting value and the points are doubled. However as high points are reversed that is to have less points has more effect if you put a 2 in the weighting value then with the High points Sailwave will halve the points which has a greater effect on the series results which is what is normally required.




Your post is confusing (or I don’t understand it).

For a double-weighted race: Measuring from zero, a low point scoring
doubles the penalty for doing badly while a high point system doubles
the benefit for doing well. The viewpoint is different by the effect is
the same.

An example with a 10-boat 3-race series and race #3 double-weighted
(i.e., counts as two races):

Boat A gets 1,1,2 while boat B gets 2,2,1. So, with the 3rd race doubled
boat A has two 1sts and two 2nds and boat B has two 2nds and two 1sts.

Low point:
A = 1+1+2+[2] = 6
B = 2+2+1+[1] = 6

Simple high point (with 10 boats)
A = 10+10+9+[9] = 38
B = 9+9+10+[10] = 38

That is what you’d expect - with each boat having two 1sts and two 2nds
the points are equal (and you’d have to apply the tie-breaking rules to
determine a winner).

I don’t understand your point about high point somehow being the
“reverse” of low point.

I’d say it has been a well-known “bug” in the race-weighting that when
using high-point scoring you need to use the inverse of what you want:
for doubling you need to use 0.5 for tripling you need to use 0.33333. I
don’t know if that is mentioned anywhere in the documentation.

Good sailing,

Hi Art,

Apologies I forgot to reply to your post - there is no bug it works as intended

If you give a race weighting of 2 (i.e. this race has more effect on the series result) into Sailwave in a low point scoring system the points are doubled. If you put a weighting of 2 into a high point race then the points are halved, that is it still has a greater effect on the series result. Which is what I was saying in the original post.

Yes I agree that to double the effect of a race you will be using 0.5 as the multiplier but this is done automatically for you by Sailwave just be giving a race weighting of 2

If you want a race to have a weighting of 3 then you put 3 in the race rating and Sailwave will then multiply the points by 0.333

Hope that clarifies it for all


Unfortunately, clear as mud.

I intentionally put “bug” in quotes. To a software designer, a “bug” is
when software does the opposite of the design. But, Microsoft often
designs software that does the opposite of what your typical user
expects. I was thinking this might be that kind of a situation, where
the user expects the opposite effect but the effect that occurs is what
the designer intended. In that regard, this discussion should be about
what “weighing a race as double” means and what that should mean for the
scores. Whether it technically could be called a “bug” is not relevant.

For me I think “race #2 counts double” means that race #2 will count as
2 races. In my prior post I gave a concrete example of why when you
“weigh” a race as doubled then the points have to be multiplied by 2,
regardless of low-point or high-point. I think that example is
conclusively persuasive and won’t repeat it.

Consider another example - same 10-boat fleet but this time with only
two races and race #2 weighted as 2 races. Boat X gets a 1st and 2nd
while boat Y gets a 2nd and 1st. The boats have the same “finishes” but
Y has the better finish in the race that counts more, i.e., is weighted
as 2. So, it seems to me Y must surely have a better “score.”

Simple high point scoring with multiplying by 2
Boat X = 10+[92] = 10+[18] = 28
Boat Y = 9+[10
2] = 9+[20] = 29

So, Y has a better (higher) score so she is ranked ahead of X. It seems
to me that is as it should be considering that race #2 is worth 2 races
and Y did better in that race.

Simple high point scoring with dividing by 2
Boat X = 10+{9/2] = 10+[4.5] = 14.5
Boat Y = 9+[10/2] = 9+[5] = 14

So the boat that does better in the more important race (weighted as
double) has a lower score. That is the opposite of what the commonly
understood meaning of what I think “counts as two races; weighted
double” means. If a series were scored this way I think it should be
pretty clear that boat Y would be entitled to redress to correct the

Personally, I’d fix the code so that race-weight works as the user
expects. But, at a minimum the “odd” effect should be pointed out with a
description of how to get the effect the user wants (is expecting?).

In a prior post and now again you have stated that to “double” the
weight of a race you must multiple the points assigned by 0.5. But, you
haven’t given any insight into your logic. As I said, I think redress
would be a slam-dunk if scored the way you describe. But, I am open to
hearing the argument for your position.

Good sailing,

Sailwave already has the description of the way it works and also the option to reverse it - so everyone should be happy


Thank you for your interesting discussion