Re-ordering results

I would like to be able to publish results from a series so that the most recent come first. Competitors therefore don’t have to scroll down to the end to see their latest results. Obvs, if I include the series summary they could click on the ‘race’ to jump to their latest results. If I was to invert the order in which I enter results (R6, R5, R4…R1 instead of R1…R6) that would work, except it would probably confuse whoever was entering results. I suspect a canny bit of programming would do it too, though Javascript feels like a bit of overkill. However, if each block of reasults was enclosed in a

it would be easy to pick them out and process. On the other hand I bet someone has done this already.

Hi Malcom,

Do you not normally include the Series summary?
If you do you can click the race heading to take you straight to the race to see the detail

Or you could consider the Effect ScoredSeperatelyMatrixV2
Which would give you something like this

And they can then just select what they would like to see

You can even make these quite complicated

Each race result is an individual table so if you really want to reverse them it should be possible if Javascript (Sailwave effect)

Just a quick additional note Sailwave has the ability to only publish the most recent race by using L as the race

Hope this helps


Always instructive to read; I now know about “L” and reminded of clicking race header to jump.