Reconfiguring a populated SW file from PHRF to One design and scoring by place

i have been scoring one of our divisions which has been a mixed fleet using PHRF ToD. The div has now evolved into an all Sonar fleet. They wish to be scored as a one design group using finishing place. I changed the rating system from PHRF Tod to none. After saving and reopening the file the scoring system displayed on the left still shows PHRF ToD. I could score by place under PHRF ToD but I would like to remove all references to PHRF Tod. What changes do I need to make to configure to design and score by place without starting from scratch ?

Thank you,

George Morin
Lake Sunapee Cruising Fleet

Hi George,

Firstly welcome back to the Sailwave User Group.

if you share your file I will take a look and see if I can spot anything.

Kind regards,

Hi Huw,

Thank you for replying. We have always scored with PHRF, or PY never one design by place.

race2021br.blw (36.1 KB)

Above PHRF ToD blw untouched - B series 2021

race2021brTest.blw (36.0 KB)

Above my attempt to change Scoring System after from PHRF ToD to one design and eliminate the PHRF handicap column. After closing and opening the file after the change to scoring system none left portion still show PHRF ToD. It probably not the way to go to one design.

Thank you,


Hi George,
Apologies for not replying sooner, time zone differences and dog walking have conspired.

I have looked at your test file and why you are getting scoring system ‘PHRF TOD LOW POINT’ when you have changed t he rating system to none, is you need to change the name! See yellow highlight :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Thank you Huw. I thought I might have to create it again from scratch.

Best Regards,
