Results published showing 'achieved PY' for a non-winning boat vis-a-vis the race winner.

I am trying to find a way when publishing Sailwave race results in handicapped fleets where these also include the ‘apparent’ PY that the non-winning boat helms achieved vis-à-vis the current PY of the winning boat. I believe it is described on the published column heading with the initials ‘BCR’.

Can anyone advise how you set this up within Sailwave?



BCR can be shown in published individual race tables, but not in the summary list.

In the Publish window, select Individual Race Tables; then click on the Options tab, to select BCR.

Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield South Africa


On 2014/10/09 21:11, [sailwave] wrote:

I am trying to find a way when publishing Sailwave race results in handicapped fleets where these also include the 'apparent' PY that the non-winning boat helms achieved vis-à-vis the current PY of the winning boat. I believe it is described on the published column heading with the initials 'BCR'.

Can anyone advise how you set this up within Sailwave?




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On the Publish Web Page, click on Options and check “Include BCR”

Mark Townsend
Phone: 562-433-4366

Cell: 562-533-5909


From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:11 PM
Subject: [sailwave] Results published showing ‘achieved PY’ for a non-winning boat vis-a-vis the race winner.

I am trying to find a way when publishing Sailwave race results in handicapped fleets where these also include the ‘apparent’ PY that the non-winning boat helms achieved vis-à-vis the current PY of the winning boat. I believe it is described on the published column heading with the initials ‘BCR’.

Can anyone advise how you set this up within Sailwave?

