I think I might have a slightly different take on what is
appropriate redress.
The goal, I believe, is to make the "bad" race (the race
for which a
boat is getting redress) have no impact. In other words,
you are trying
to undo the badness, as it were. But, each RDG given is
merely an
approximation of that and probably not a very good
approximation. Hence,
I would tend to ignore all RDG and just use the other
races. Using that
standard, in the analysis below I would say that the
“best” redress is
the AveAll (although it is mathematically the same, I
would say AveAll,
excl all RDG). The AveBefore, excl RDG doesn’t penalize
the competitor,
it merely benefits the competitor less than AveBefore,
incl RDG. But,
both are a slight distortion of the goal.
Why then would anyone consider using AveBefore?
There is another important consideration when giving
redress - How will
all competitors know where the redress-competitor is in
the standings?
This is important in the last race and also usually for
the last day of
a multi-day regatta or series. How else can you know which
competitor to
cover? Based on this consideration the PC wants to award
RDG that won’t
include the last race or the races on the last day. That
makes the RDG
fairest to ALL the competitors. So, I would lean toward
awarding RDG of
AveBefore, excl RDG with the either the last race or all
the races on
the last day excluded (with any RDG excluded as well).
Colin - I don't think double redress happens often enough
to worry a lot
about. But, I should think one easy way to handle it would
be to have a
fifth average option that would calculate an average based
on specified
races [or, based on all races EXCEPT specified races]
(then there would
presumably be a box to list races to include [or exclude],
like when you
specify your discard profile). Otherwise, in the case of
double redress
the scorer is going to have to recalculate by hand after
new races are
added. [The “average all races except” would probably be
slightly more
versatile as presumably fewer races would need to be
On 7/20/2012 9:57 AM, kett_cummins wrote:
> If the redress is avg of ALL other races, then it
will always be the
> average of only the non-redress races, no matter how
many redress races
> there are (hooray math!). HOWEVER, if the redress is
avg of all PRIOR
> races, then the first redress must be established,
then the second
> redress is calculated, and so forth, as the regatta
proceeds. I.e., each
> redress builds upon the score assigned to any prior
redress. You cannot
> simply ignore a prior redress race, as that score is
> “earned” by the competitor based on the circumstances
of that race.
> Using Colin’s example…
> AveAll
> 2.0, RDG(2.7), 4.0, 2.0, RDG(2.7) = 13.4
> AveBefore, incl RDG
> 2.0, RDG(2.0), 4.0, 2.0, RDG(2.5) = 12.5
> AveBefore, excl RDG (penalizes the competitor!)
> 2.0, RDG(2.0), 4.0 2.0, RDG(2.7) = 12.7