Running on M2 Mac - problems

I have been running Sailwave on a 2014 MacBook Air using PlayOnMac without problems, until the laptop died. I replaced it with an M2 MacBook Pro. I installed PlayOnMac and Sailwave, but got fatal errors when clicking Rescore (or Score Series) for handicap (PY) races, but not for place (pursuit) races. I tried installing Crossover but got exactly the same errors, although I was using a different version of Wine and a different Windows version… Thinking it may have been a setup issue, I re-initialised the MacBook and only installed Crossover and Sailwave, so no other software - no difference.

Errors reported are:
Exception occurred at address 005BE2D5
Exception code C0000005: Access Violation
Process PID=252 Image: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sailwave\sailwave.exe
Thread 1 Handle=00000094 TID=256

Exception parameters:

EAX=6669DDCF EBX=6669DDCF ECX=6669DDCF EDX=0012F723
ESI=0012F797 EDI=0012F7BF EBP=0012F87C ESP=0012F69C
EIP=005BE2D5 FLG=00000206

Call Stack:

Am I missing something in the setup? Is it a mismatch somewhere between the M2, Rosetta and Wine?

Hi Alastair,
Firstly welcome to the Sailwave User Group forum,

Thers are better informed to comment as I do not use or have access to Apple devices,

My understanding, is that on Apple devices using Apple CPU’s Crossover & PlayonMac do not work. The only solution I am aware of is to use Parallels.

Apple devices using Intel CPU work well as you found with your previous Apple.

I hope someone else posts a comment which shows I am wrong and therefore updates my knowledge.

Kind regards,

Hi Alastair

Very interesting you got as far as the Rescore - so you managed to install PlayonMac and start Sailwave?

I have an M1 Mac and I’ve tried PlayonMac and Crossover but always get an error when I start Sailwave.

As you mentioned it appears to be something strange with the Apple Silicon Rosetta and Wine - I would really love to know why it doesn’t work

PlayonMac and Crossover install on the Apple silicon and Sailwave installs OK. The additional programs such as SWClist all run fine but I can’t get Sailwave to start without an error
Sailwave is written in Clarion so I wrote a simple “Hello World” in Clarion and it doesn’t work either, so it appears to be something with Clarion programs but you seem to have got further than me.
So would be interested to know what the difference is - If I knew why maybe I could fix it.

However, running Parallels Sailwave works wonderfully on the Apple Silicon Mac’s



Thanks for the feedback.
The install of Crossover and Sailwave went very smoothly - first Rosetta was called/installed, then Crossover itself and finally Sailwave. I have just now scored a pursuit race/series in SW 2.30.02 without problems using Crossover with a Win11 bottle in Wine 9. But handicap (PY) series crashes on clicking Rescore (or via Score Series after the dialogue) - must be something to do with calling the calculation. There are a couple of options in Crossover that I will try to see if it helps/fixes, but I don’t know why they would. I note in the full error log (can send if any use) that Clarion is mentioned along with a stack list. I had also tried installing (pre re-initialising) xQuartz and xCode command line tools, but no effect.

Might have to try Parallels - so close but so frustrating!


Thanks Alastair - I’ll give Crossover another go - Parallels is fantastic but it is a little expensive for some people - although if you can afford an M2 Mac it is probably worth buying - I’m really impressed how it integrates with the Mac. I have to think if I’m running Mac or Windows programs