Ryapn.csv file

I'm fairly new to Sailwave but have had no problems scoring our winter series, inheriting the software and series files from my predecessor.

I'm trying to set up (based on previous series) our new series for the spring with the latest PY numbers.

I downloaded the ryapn.csv file from the website and updated the PY column with the new figures, saved it and put it in the Sailwave Raings directory and updated the Global Options. However, everytime I now open Sailwave I get a message telling me the file does not exist.

Any ideas?

I'm mystified as to how this has worked in the past as the only .csv file on my computer is the Config.csv, as far as I can tell there was no ratings file previously but the PYs show up. I've tried entering new PYs through sail number wizard which it accepts but the moment I score a series the PYs revert to their previous settings. I have the Ratings System set to RYA and ticked Auto set competitor rating.

Any help would be appreciated.

I had a similar problem, but after trying various ways, I ended up renaming the new file to the original file name, then it worked. Don't ask!
I did take the precaution of moving the original file to another location so I didn't lose it.

Is there some constraint on the filename? The help file only asks for a .csv file, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient.

Ian Frogley


On 03/04/2012 12:40, Gary wrote:

I'm fairly new to Sailwave but have had no problems scoring our winter series, inheriting the software and series files from my predecessor.

I'm trying to set up (based on previous series) our new series for the spring with the latest PY numbers.

I downloaded the ryapn.csv file from the website and updated the PY column with the new figures, saved it and put it in the Sailwave Raings directory and updated the Global Options. However, everytime I now open Sailwave I get a message telling me the file does not exist.

Any ideas?

I'm mystified as to how this has worked in the past as the only .csv file on my computer is the Config.csv, as far as I can tell there was no ratings file previously but the PYs show up. I've tried entering new PYs through sail number wizard which it accepts but the moment I score a series the PYs revert to their previous settings. I have the Ratings System set to RYA and ticked Auto set competitor rating.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Can you clarify where you got the ryapn.csv file from as when I look at the RYA Portsmouth Number website I can only see an excel version of the latest PYs (which is easy to convert into the correct PY csv file).
If the csv file isn't in the right format it will be ignored by Sailwave.

If it will help I can send you the 2012 PY csv file that we're using at our club.



--- In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, "Gary" <gary.guild@...> wrote:

I'm fairly new to Sailwave but have had no problems scoring our winter series, inheriting the software and series files from my predecessor.

I'm trying to set up (based on previous series) our new series for the spring with the latest PY numbers.

I downloaded the ryapn.csv file from the website and updated the PY column with the new figures, saved it and put it in the Sailwave Raings directory and updated the Global Options. However, everytime I now open Sailwave I get a message telling me the file does not exist.

Any ideas?

I'm mystified as to how this has worked in the past as the only .csv file on my computer is the Config.csv, as far as I can tell there was no ratings file previously but the PYs show up. I've tried entering new PYs through sail number wizard which it accepts but the moment I score a series the PYs revert to their previous settings. I have the Ratings System set to RYA and ticked Auto set competitor rating.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi I too came up against the same problem. As yet the 2012 RYAPY.CSV file is not on the Sailwave [Download] [Download Ratings Files] option list .

To make it work I had to

  1. Download the new RYA list from the RYA web-site which takes a bit of finding in it’s self PN List 2012 Excel 97-03

  2. add an extra column to the left of the information in the RYA.xls file

  3. copy ; colons into this column for all rows which don’t have a rating for a boat and PY for ones which do.

  4. Move the rating numbers to
    be the column after the boat name.

  5. Save the file as a CSV. Using the Save as type option below file name in the explorer window to select .csv format) doing the save to your ratings file location. (I tried the one suggested by sailwave which was in Program Files - Ratings but this gave me problems in that it tends to get protected by windows) Have attached the file but not sure how well this works for these group replies!

  6. Shut down sailwave if you have it open and open again and it should work, unless you are using a file copied from last year in which case it tends to stick with last years ratings.

  7. I had to go into each competitor with a changed rating e.g. Laser Radial and move them from 1106 to 1110 manually.

Hope that helps. It seems to be that time of year in the northern hemisphere to get going again. We
have our first evenning sailing tonight and there is 2" of snow on the ground here in Yorkshire at the moment!

All the best William Redman (Halifax Sailing Club and Chairman Yorkshire & Humberside Youth Sailing Association)


From: familyberry stewart@stewartberry.co.uk
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 22:42
[sailwave] Re: Ryapn.csv file


Can you clarify where you got the ryapn.csv file from as when I look at the RYA Portsmouth Number website I can only see an excel version of the latest PYs (which is easy to convert into the correct PY csv file).

If the csv file isn’t in the right format it will be ignored by Sailwave.

If it will help I can send you the 2012 PY csv file that we’re using at our club.



— In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, “Gary” <gary.guild@…> wrote:

I’m fairly new to Sailwave but have had no problems scoring our winter series, inheriting the software and series files from my predecessor.

I’m trying to set up (based on previous series) our new series for the spring with the latest PY numbers.

I downloaded the ryapn.csv file from the website and updated the PY column with the new figures, saved it and put it in the Sailwave Raings directory and updated the Global Options. However, everytime I now open Sailwave I get a message telling me the file does not exist.

Any ideas?

I’m mystified as to how this has worked in the past as the only .csv file on my computer is the Config.csv, as far as I can tell there was no ratings file previously but the PYs show up. I’ve tried entering new PYs through sail number wizard which it accepts but the moment I score a series the PYs revert to their previous settings. I have the Ratings System set to RYA and ticked Auto set competitor rating.

Any help would be appreciated.