Sailing Anarchy ~ UK vs US Portsmouth Rating Systems

Recently there was an interesting discussion thread on Sailing Anarchy having regard to the UK vs US Portsmouth Rating Systems…

"The UK numbers are more reliable because there is a lot more PY racing in the UK and they report more data.

When we race informal PY races, we just use the UK handicaps. Not even sure why we bother with having two different databases for the same boats. "

This got me thinking (head in hands!). Could I build a PY system that adapted the UK system for the US.

505 Albacore B14 Byte IntCanoe Contender Finn Fireball Laser OK

In both the UK and the US, added them up and came to the following totals…

US = 881 UK = 10139 The divider is 11.5 (11.50851…)

I adjusted all the US ratings by a multiplication factor of 11.5, but as there seems to be some respect for the UK numbers, the cross section classes above have been edited to the UK RYA figures. If there are other US/UK classes then there should be no reason why these shouldn’t edited to UK number

Just the rambings of someone sat in doors on a cold wet November.

I took the (non wind adjusted ) PYs of
Obv, the rating system would need setting up as RYA Portsmouth.The comparitive sums are in usukcomp.xls and the adjusted rating file PY.csv are in the files section at Yahoo Groups… in file or

