[sailwave] Addendum C flights

Hi I've no big problem with flights. Use it a lot.. But I understand "new" users having
problem. Maybe it's because the lack of documentaition in a real sence.

Colin. Now that we have so many professional user, why not let them contribute making a real hanbook.

I could start a website (temporary?) on a CMS plattform, there all interested could join. All to make it better...


Hi Anders,

I’m all for user comtributed documentation! My excuse to date is that
Sailwave has not got to what I want it to be (publishing for example is
incredibly primitive) and have always shied away from documenting until
it’s done - however - the reality is, as a hobby, things change very
very slowly, so I need to start documenting myself as well.

There are some thire dparty docs on the website now - I can add links
to any others that appear…


Anders Landenstad wrote:

