[sailwave] Club Racing -- Late Entries

You're correct about SW ability to recalculate DNCs


-----Original Message-----
   >From: "Malcolm Osborne"<malcolmo@telkomsa.net>
   >Sent: 25.10.06 01:14:48
   >To: "sailwave@yahoogroups.com"<sailwave@yahoogroups.com>
   >Subject: Re: [sailwave] Club Racing -- Late Entries
   >I was under the impression that SW automatically recalculates the points for DNC if boats are added during a series?
   >I've had that query before at my sailing club and I think I was able to demonstrate this by looking at the points allocated.
   >Malcolm Osborne
   >Benoni, South Africa
   > ----- Original Message -----
   > From: Patrick Toal (Personal)
   > To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
   > Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:52 AM
   > Subject: [sailwave] Club Racing -- Late Entries
   > All,
   > An odd problem has occurred, due to one of the sections in our Club

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