[sailwave] Digest Number 2541


Hi All,

I am as well a newbie user, but this subject seems to fit to a problem I have in our club.

Until today there are 2 columns used in our club - one for the usual rating and one additional with the deviation due to i.e. a non-standard equipment (as rating adjustment).

For the time correction, the sum of both columns has been used. Both columns where shown on a result sheet.

Is there a possibility to handle it the same same way in Sailwave?

Best regards,

Joerg / SY Liese


From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 1:31 PM

To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [sailwave] Digest Number 2541


Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

Rating Adjustments in Sailwave From: eagleshore
Re: Rating Adjustments in Sailwave From: Mike

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Rating Adjustments in Sailwave

Posted by: “eagleshore” eagleshore@gmail.com eagleshore

Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:08 am (PST)

I’m a newbie user and haven’t completely searched this forum yet, so I apologize if this has already been addressed/suggested.

Our yacht club has used both Portsmouth and PHRF ratings in the past. We generally use “base” ratings for a particular boat Class, with adjustments for individual boats for head sail size, props, etc. It would be handy to be able to have a field in the Competitor Fields for Rating Adjustment that would be added to the Rating field for a boat Class to arrive at the final boat Rating. This would eliminate the need to create a different boat Class for each rating adjustment. Maybe there is already a way to do this, and I just haven’t figured it out yet.

Tom Tomlinson
Mayfield Yacht Club
Great Sacandaga Lake, NY

PS - SW looks like a nice program, and I’m looking for our yacht club to adopt it next year.

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Re: Rating Adjustments in Sailwave

Posted by: “Mike” mike.croker@phonecoop.coop michaeldcroker

Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:53 am (PST)

Hi Tom Welcome aboard!Individual ratings can be used - think of each
line on the sheet as a race/series ‘entry’ and associated results -
also the rating can be varied throughout a series on an individual and
race-by-race basis by double-clicking on an individual race result
cell.HTHMikeLancing SC

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It is posible to score using different ratings per race, but
unfortunately, displaying separate rating columns is not a current

By publishing results with overall as well as race tables, the

actual rating per race can be shown

Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield South Africa

Hi All,

              I am as well a newbie user, but

this subject seems to fit to a problem I have in our

              Until today there are 2 columns

used in our club - one for the usual rating and one
additional with the deviation due to i.e. a
non-standard equipment (as rating adjustment).

              For the time correction, the sum

of both columns has been used. Both columns where
shown on a result sheet.

              Is there a possibility to handle

it the same same way in Sailwave?

Best regards,

Joerg / SY Liese

From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 1:31 PM

To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [sailwave] Digest Number 2541



In This Digest (2 Messages)
Rating Adjustments
in Sailwave From: eagleshore
Re: Rating
Adjustments in Sailwave From: Mike

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New Topic



Rating Adjustments in Sailwave

Posted by:

“eagleshore” eagleshore@gmail.com

Fri Dec 30, 2011

9:08 am (PST)

                    I'm a newbie user and haven't completely

searched this forum yet, so I apologize if this
has already been addressed/suggested.

                    Our yacht club has used both Portsmouth and PHRF

ratings in the past. We generally use “base”
ratings for a particular boat Class, with
adjustments for individual boats for head sail
size, props, etc. It would be handy to be able
to have a field in the Competitor Fields for
Rating Adjustment that would be added to the
Rating field for a boat Class to arrive at the
final boat Rating. This would eliminate the need
to create a different boat Class for each rating
adjustment. Maybe there is already a way to do
this, and I just haven’t figured it out yet.

                    Tom Tomlinson

                    Mayfield Yacht Club

                    Great Sacandaga Lake, NY

                    PS - SW looks like a nice program, and I'm

looking for our yacht club to adopt it next

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Re: Rating Adjustments in Sailwave

Posted by: “Mike” mike.croker@phonecoop.coop


Fri Dec 30, 2011

9:53 am (PST)

                    Hi Tom Welcome aboard!Individual ratings can be

used - think of each

                    line on the sheet as a race/series 'entry' and

associated results -

                    also the rating can be varied throughout a

series on an individual and

                    race-by-race basis by double-clicking on an

individual race result

                    cell.HTHMikeLancing SC
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