[sailwave] Digest Number 339

Steve, what you described is very similar to races at my club. To enter a different handicap for a single race, right click on the result cell and go to "Enter Result." In here you can pick the Rating tab and enter the rating for the boat that the competitor sailed that race.

Good luck.



Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 09:55:56 -0000
   From: "Steve" <laser101uk@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: boat sharing

We sail a small handicap fleet every Sunday. It is not uncommon for
people to sail different boats throughout a series. An example might
be that someone does race one in his laser, race two in his mates
lark etc. I cannot work out how to enter all the results for the
individual regardless of boat. We use the PY system. Everytime I
enter a different boat I end up chaging the results of the previous
race as sailwave thinks that all the races were sailed in the same

any help gratefully recieved
