[sailwave] Editing output

Hi Keith,

I've been having a play around with the publishing... One small request for
when you remove the extension constraint. Please allow the .php extension
(Just in case you were going to leaving some contraint in there to help
ensure web compatability). I'm just in the process of finishing off a
content management system based website of my club and the abiality to use
.php would have been very useful ;o).

This is done now, will release this weekend.

The table output, for me worked well, apart from not beingable to specify a
fixed width for he table. The template on the rest to the site is fixed
width so I had to do some playing with text sizes and preay that there
weren't too many races in each series ;o)

Can you not specify the table width in the CSS...?

My only comment on the style setup, would be that allowing different text
sizes in the published html than the diplayed spreadsheet would be helpful.
If this is possible already, please let me know how :oS

The style file CSS specifies the published font size, which can optionally
refer to the screen size; but it's not mandatory. See the 'small' style for
example; I thihk this ignores the screen size and forces everything to 8pt.

I would appreciate any comments that you have on the output of our club
results. They can be seen at

Looks great to me! Would you be willing to donate your style to the default
set, named appropriately.

Colin J


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Hi Colin,

This is done now, will release this weekend.
Wow! Superb!

Can you not specify the table width in the CSS...?
I did try. It may have just been that the table content could not be
wrapped. I'll have a look through my dev versions and try to recreate the
problem, when I get a chance, and let you know if it was that.

The style file CSS specifies the published font size, which can optionally
refer to the screen size; but it's not mandatory. See the 'small' style for
example; I thihk this ignores the screen size and forces everything to 8pt.
Ah, that sounds like me being somewhat inept ;o)I'll have a look at that.

Looks great to me! Would you be willing to donate your style to the default
set, named appropriately.

By all means! You are most welcome to.

