[sailwave] Elapsed Time/Corrected Time Format


Have you set the scoring system to use PY

‘Set Up’ > ‘Scoring System’ > set to ‘RYA Portsmouth’

Are you after total corrected time, or corrected average lap time?

5353 secs (1:29:13) with a PY of 332 will give a corrected time of 0:29:37

Incidentally what has a PY of 332 an incredibly low number?




From: sailwave@yahoogroups.com sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 03 August 2019 11:55
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [sailwave] Elapsed Time/Corrected Time Format


In delving a bit deeper I’m sure I can’t find a way to unify the time displays, but I’ve also found another conundrum:

I can’t correlate the corrected time that gets offered in the Race Results. I have a competitor with a PY of 332 and a elapsed time of 5353 seconds who did 5 laps. Sailwave offers a corrected time of 1:37:20. I can’t get that number out
of my manual spreadsheet, no matter how I manipulate the results. We agree with the final finishing positions but not the corrected times.

What is the calculation that Sailwave makes to achieve the Corrected Time?



Hi John,

It helps if I put the right numbers in a message (doh!). Sorry, not a PY of 332, this example is a Laser Stratos so a PY of 1100. We do have a Unicorn with 775 but that’s the fastest.

Anyway, I think that I have just sorted the discrepancy that I was commenting on in the (Total) Corrected Time. We hadn’t multiplied the Average Lap Time by the Max no. of Laps completed by any boats (6 in this case), which is what Sailwave does. Therefore, our manual calculations now agree with Sailwave.

I’m still interested whether there’s any way to publish the results with the same time formats for Elapsed Time and Corrected Time columns?



Hi Jon,

Sailwave does and has always left the format of the elapsed time exactly as you have entered it, except if you use the Sailnumber wizard to enter times it will then auto insert the “:” for you to make the entry quicker

I can understand why you might like it formated in a consistent manner for presentation but some do like to see it in the format that they have entered it.

So I’ve written a program that will format the Elapsed times to a consistent format of h:mm:ss. Although it can format seconds as h:mm:ss it can also be used to format mm:ss to h:mm:ss so anyone might find it useful not just users that are inputting in seconds. It will also convert times such as 70:23 to 1:10:23.

You can download it from the link below


Just run the SWSec2HMS.exe and it will default to the last file you used in Sailwave but you can enter any file you wish and it will perform the conversion.

It creates a .bak of the original file so should something go wrong you can go back to the original.

Let me know how it works for you.

I see John has answered you second question - let us know if you still have any questions



Jon Eskdale

03333 443377

07530 112233

Hi Jon,

Thank you for your reply. I’ve downloaded the app and will give that a try. I’ll also experiment with the Wizard as that doesn’t tend to be how people input results at our club.

Thank you.
