Sailwave Publishing of results

Dear Forum,

For our cruiser racing we run a couple of series which due to handicap calculation rules are processed as a single sequence of Saturday, Weekday and Holiday Series.

So all the results are entered into the one BLW file

For publishing we would like to publish

  • Overall (as is)
  • Weekday
  • Saturday
  • Holiday

Effectively by sub series and series.

Can this be done in Sailwave or do I need to resort to making copies of the files and stripping what I do not want for that one sub set ? Given that we run adaptive handicaps , I would prefer not to recalculate once the overall series is calculated.

A sequence could be

S1,S2, S3, H1, W1 , S4, S5, W2, S6 and I would publish results of the races (with the race breakdown) as

  • overall as above
  • H1
  • S1,S2, up to S6

I have to check if the rules for Discards are carried accross which may complicate matters - but the handicap is calculated chronologically.


Hi Boris,

I have looked at being able to publish a sub series in the past - but what sounds like something fairly simple quickly turns into something extremely complicated even when you don’t have progressive handicaps

Names of events and sometimes websites and burgees change. The discard profiles change and even the scoring codes values can change and when you start considering things such as Average points for specific races it gets very complicated. Progressive handicaps add an additional layer of complication

There is a method of only publishing certain races by marking the races as discard first and increasing the discard profile by the number you wish to discard.

Alternatives are copying the file and deleting the races you don’t want

Or if you are into programming the Windows messaging that Sailwave supports to control Sailwave to produce the results that are required

If you want to keep the ratings that Sailwave is using for what is an overall Progressive handicap series you can change the rating system to TCF(or whichever system you are based upon) and the ratings will then not change when you score them but it will still use the ratings that you used for that race.

You could consider exporting the results to CSV files for each race and importing the results for the races belonging to the series you wish to construct.




My club has similar needs.

One example is that a single race on Saturday counts towards:

  • the weekend series
  • the monthly series
  • the Saturday series
  • the overall series
  • possible a weekend regatta with a different discard or scoring system.
  • ILCA only series
  • etc
    10 years ago I spent some time figuring out the Sailwave file format and I was able to accomplish the above with an Excel spreadsheet and VBA code. All results are entered in a single master Sailwave file and the VBA code creates individual Sailwave files as defined in the Spreadsheet. Here is a link to the Spreadsheet:

Here is the link to the master Sailwave that contains all the race results: You should be able to run it by coping both files in a folder and press the start button on the top left of the macro enabled spreadsheet.

To publish the files; open each Sailwave file, rescore it and publish.

Clearly VBA is slow, but it works for us. At some time I might make it more generic and rewrite it in Python

I am currently traveling for regattas, but I can do a Zoom session with you if you want when I am back home.


Many thanks Jon - yes the devil seems to be in the detail - and I can see why this may not be the “standard use” of the Sailwave program - i must look at our race officer redress which is something I had not considered until now !

Thanks for the tip regarding TCF - that may come in handy.

All the best !

Many thanks Peter.

I get the gist of it - I will study it for a while.

You and Jon have given me some ideas on how to approach this - a master file and create the series from that is a good idea and Jon’s method of freezing the handicap ratings at TCF is very useful.

Food for thought - I think we will find a few things in the legacy system that we have to iron it and then come up with the new scheme - at least we do only have the 4 series sofar !

Many thanks - you have given me lots to think about !
