[sailwave] Re: Ubuntu install help

Not got a working box to test on right now, fried hard disk I think.

However always worth running from a command line as the error messages will be more diagnostic. Assuming you download into a folder called Downloads id try:

myusername$ wine “~/Downloads/sw2.5.exe”

Then if need be the same with sudo just in case its a privs issue…

I suspect there are settings to increase verbosity of errors but wine at command line is usually verbs enough!!


Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: “Andy” andy@sailor.nu
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 12:40
Subject: [sailwave] Re: Ubuntu install help
To: sailwave@yahoogroups.com

Sorry, just saw my name pop up. I haven’t been paying a lot of attention! How about we take this to PM so our compadres here don’t have to watch?

Email me at andy@sailor.nu, I’ll try to help. Version of Ubuntu would be helpful too.

— In sailwave@yahoogroups.com, Malcolm Osborne <malcolmo@…> wrote:


I’ve reached the limit of my suggestions, unfortunately.

Anyone else who could contribute - Andy Barrow?

Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield South Africa

On 2012/04/30 16:43, kengbright wrote:

Hi Malcolm
I still get the file not found message - have used your test and
notepad opened OK. I’ve downloaded SW 3 times each with the same
result. Wine doesn’t appear to be able to see it or one of the files
in the install process.

— In sailwave@yahoogroups.com mailto:sailwave%40yahoogroups.com,
Malcolm Osborne <malcolmo@> wrote:


Do you still get the same `file not found’ error message?

When I initialise the installation, the first step that comes up is the
window `Wise Installation Wizard’ - do you get to that step?

To test your Wine - go to your Home folder. On the top of your screen,
select View', and Show hidden files’
Go to the (now visible) .wine folder
Go the windows sub directory. Open the notepad.exe file with Wine
Windows Program Loader
If that works (a notepad pops up), wine is OK and there might be a
problem with your sailwave file - try downloading again?

Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield South Africa

On 2012/04/30 14:03, kengbright wrote:

Hi Malcolm
Still get the same result
— In sailwave@yahoogroups.com
mailto:sailwave%40yahoogroups.com mailto:sailwave%40yahoogroups.com,

Malcolm Osborne <malcolmo@> wrote:


if you have downloaded sailwave (using the Save' option) and the sw***.exe file is in your Downloads folder, from the Nautilus file manager, right click on this file, then select Open with’ and `Wine
Windows Program Loader’

Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield South Africa

On 2012/04/30 13:14, kengbright wrote:

Hi Malcolm
Cleared out the wine cellar and restocked it with wine 1.4. On
Sailwave download it offered me wine windows down loader

seemed OK then when it tried to install SW came up with could not
initialize installation. unix\tmp\sw.5.exe File not found - is it
looking in the wrong place and how do I help it out?

— In sailwave@yahoogroups.com


Malcolm Osborne <malcolmo@> wrote:

I should add that you should re-install SW using Wine after

the new version of Wine.

Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield South Africa