The Racing Rules of Sailing Appendix A, RRS A3 was changed in the
2005-2008 rule book to delete the phrase "*corrected to the nearest
second* ". This change then left the determination of if to round to
the nearest second to the handicap system (see below).
*2001-2004 Racing Rules of Sailing*
The time of a boat’s starting signal shall be her starting time, and the
in which boats finish a race shall determine their finishing places.
when a handicap system is used a boat’s elapsed time
*, corrected to the nearest second,* shall determine her finishing
*2005-2008 Racing Rules of Sailing*
The time of a boat’s starting signal shall be her starting time, and
the order in which boats finish a race shall determine their finishing
places. However, when a handicap or rating system is used a boat’s
corrected time shall determine her finishing place.
Some handicap systems now include language to round to the nearest
second and some do not. US PHRF does not include language to correct to the
nearest second.
The notice of race or sailing instructions may change the handicap
system to correct to the nearest second. This would be a class rule
change (see definition of *rule*) and, unless the handicap permits the
change, would need to comply with RRS 87, which requires written
permission of the handicap association for the change to be displayed on
the official notice board.
Mark Townsend
*From:* <> on behalf
of Bassenthwaite SC [sailwave] <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 14, 2016 5:23 AM
*Subject:* Re: [sailwave] Result culculations
Before my time Huw! 
I'm not saying we're not in a better place, just that it's only a game
after all, and there will be winners and losers...
William Carruthers
Sent from my iPhone
On 14 Dec 2016, at 13:10, Huw Pearce [sailwave] < >>>>> wrote:
Hi William,
I remember the days of a draughtsman board with with sliding bar to find
corrected time from elapsed hours and minutes and then adding on the
elapsed seconds. We have moved on slightly 
Happy seasons greetings to all SUG members.
On 14/12/2016 13:03, Bassenthwaite SC >>>> [sailwave] wrote:
There's been some great discussion on this topic but at the end of the
day it is handicap racing, a methodology of putting different boats on an
equal footing. There's not a lot of point in using decimal seconds for
corrected time bearing in mind the level of (in)accuracy of the individual
boat ratings.
From memory, when logs were used to calculate corrected times, elapsed
seconds were just added to the corrected time I.e. Just the minutes were
Hey ho
Hope you all have a great Christmas!
William Carruthers
Sent from my iPhone
On 14 Dec 2016, at 12:17, [sailwave] < >>>> <>> wrote:
Agree with everything said about rounding to the second.
---In, <op12no2@...> <op12no2@...> wrote :
Also if boat A is clearly ahead of boat B at the finish but looking at
watch they have the same time - I think we decided it was practical to
just give them +1 or -1 time.
That is a bit of a logical problem though. They are racing on handicap,
so if they are equal on corrected time they tie. Otherwise you are putting
in a sort of tiebreak that only applies when the tied boats happen to be of
the same handicap, which arguably isn't really fair.
The elephant in the room though, is whether we really manage to record
times accurately even to the nearest second. A couple of years back I had a
finish on video for a rather busy race, and cross referenced it in slow
motion back to the times and places we recorded at the time. It was
worrying. To say the least it was worrying...
Jim C
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