Thanks for the information.
Just for confirmation, are you saying that Sailwave will make NHC handicap adjustments through a series, starting from the standard RYA PY numbers?
As we are an inland dinghy sailing club, I had not thought of the NHC system.
I think that Jim has some good points and I will definitely use his idea of re-scoring old series to see if the change achieves the desired result.
Thanks for the ideas, I think I have some work to do!
Having said that, I if anyone has any other suggestions then they would still be appreciated.
---- Jon Eskdale [sailwave] wrote ----
I see Malcolm has given a good suggestion.
There is a sample of the NHC in the examples distributed with the Sailwave install.
The NHC was initially designed for ratings using TCF, the version in the installed Sailwave works only with TCF when using internal calculations.
However, if you use the External mode it converts PY ratings to TCF to perform the calculations and then converts them back to the PY to put back in Sailwave. So it can be used with PY ratings in external mode.
I’ve just now added the ability to support the PY ratings using internal mode. To enable this you need to update the file SWHelper.exe with the new version.
Download this version 1.9.1
and replace the version in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sailwave directory with the new one.
I’m sure there will be other users interested in this and look forward to any feedback
[Mailtrack]( 09/10/18, 21:33:38
Jon Eskdale
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