Saiwave available languages

Hi to Everyone!
We support the use of SAILWAVE here in Brazil.
Do you intend to have “portuguese” as one possible language available?

Looking forward to your return, I thank you all!
Merry Christmas !

Renato Kaufmann

Hi Renato,

Welcome back to the Sailwave User Group.

Thank you for promoting Sailwave in Brazil. Do you know Anne Veiburg? I have helped Anne on several occasions over the last few years with Sailwave. There are also users of Sailwave in Portugal who I have helped in the last few years.

The translations of Sailwave into other languages have been done by users of the language of interest. Translations which have been done can be seen on the Sailwave website at the link below. Italian is included with the standard Sailwave distribution and gets installed by default if the PC language locale matches. That means Italian PC’s have their Sailwave in Italian. I understand the Italian Sailing Federation instigated the translation. It is possible to revert to the default language of English quite easily if needed,

We would welcome Sailwave being translated into Brazilian Portuguese / Portuguese. There are instructions for translating Sailwave into languages other than English on the Sailwave website - Locale library | Sailwave.

Unfortunately, we do not have the language skills to translate from English into other languages.

I look forward to helping you where I can on translating Sailwave into Brazilian Portuguese / Portuguese

Kind regards,

Thanks huw for your response.
I will read the translation instructions to check if it could be done.
Happy New Year to you ALL: sailors, “sailwavers”

Yes, I know Ann Viebig.

Anne may be willing to help with translation :slight_smile: