Scoring RLC and Inverted Start in One Series of 3 races

This season we have a 3 part series over the course of 3 months. The first two races are random leg and the third is an inverted start. I'm wondering how I can score this in the same
Sailwave program for all 3 series?

Thanks for your help.

Peggy Powers

Hi Peggy,

Please can you expand your explanations on the individual race


  •     Random leg - is this scored under some rating system with all
    boats starting at roughly the same time?
  •     Inverted start - is this where the slower boats start before
    faster boats so in theory they would all finish at the same
    Kind regards,

On 12/08/2014 00:41, Peggy Powers
[sailwave] wrote:

          This season we have a 3 part series over the course of 3

months. The first two races are random leg and the third
is an inverted start. I’m wondering how I can score this
in the same
Sailwave program for all 3 series?

          Thanks for your help.

          Peggy Powers

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Hi Huw,

Sorry for the delay in my response.

Random leg - yes this is scored using our PHRF rating system. Different classes have different start times. We score using time on distance and then based on the rating.

Inverted Start - this is what some call a pursuit race and yes, slower boats start first.

I know that Sailwave will handle the inverted start because we have used in in a prior race. The question is, can I apply this for race 3 of a series or will I have to use a separate

“new series” and then manually calculate the overall winner for the 3 races.




On 12/08/2014 00:41, Peggy Powers
[sailwave] wrote:

          This season we have a 3 part series over the course of 3

months. The first two races are random leg and the third
is an inverted start. I’m wondering how I can score this
in the same
Sailwave program for all 3 series?

          Thanks for your help.

          Peggy Powers

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

Hello Peggy,

I still have a question about Your problem. Are those the same boats, which race race one, race two (with random leg and PHRF rating system) and race tree (with inverted start (pursuit race))? Then you can score all tree races in one series. In the first two races you will enter the finish time to get the results and in the third race (pursuit race) you enter the results by place. In the setup of the pursuit race you may chose “Place” at “Finishes_will_be_recorded_as”
It would be difficult to score three different fleets, two with random leg an the third with inverted starts in one race. You would have to define different starts (start time) for every boat with inverted start and all those boats must pass a finish line and get finish times, to identify the winner over all three fleets.
We use inverted starts (pursuit race) on our Wednesday evening series. There we don’t get individual finish times, the race ends at 7:30 pm. The boat in front wins. We score by place and over the saison with a high point system, because not all boats start every Wednesday (see: “”)


Hi Christof,

Most of the boats will race all 3 races in the series. There are a select few that may only do one of the races. So it looks like I can follow your advice for race 3 and all will be well.

I will run a test of your suggestion.

Thanks for the help.



On Sep 7, 2014, at 11:17 AM, [sailwave] wrote:

Hello Peggy,

I still have a question about Your problem. Are those the same boats, which race race one, race two (with random leg and PHRF rating system) and race tree (with inverted start (pursuit race))? Then you can score all tree races in one series. In the first two races you will enter the finish time to get the results and in the third race (pursuit race) you enter the results by place. In the setup of the pursuit race you may chose “Place” at “Finishes_will_be_recorded_as”
It would be difficult to score three different fleets, two with random leg an the third with inverted starts in one race. You would have to define different starts (start time) for every boat with inverted start and all those boats must pass a finish line and get finish times, to identify the winner over all three fleets.
We use inverted starts (pursuit race) on our Wednesday evening series. There we don’t get individual finish times, the race ends at 7:30 pm. The boat in front wins. We score by place and over the saison with a high point system, because not all boats start every Wednesday (see: “”)
