Amazing. Runs a bit fast on my machine, so I used 7 instead of 20. You can show me how to include the header.txt file sometime over the winter. For now, we need more sponsors, apparently.
I will try and put together a separate document on customising the header.txt & footer.txt files, pulling together the different things that have been done by various people. Maybe a video as well!
It would be nice if the user can pass a parameter to the html file to set the speed. JavaScript has a method to do this. Passing a speed parameter avoid the changing of the heater.txt file.
A while ago I created a JavaScript made up from two existing JavaScripts that Jon wrote and I added an option to pass parameters to the html file. I don’t have any JavaScript experience, but Jon’s code was very easy to understand and he did most of the heavy lifting.
Below are two links to the 2022 ILCA 6 women results; the first one is a static display and the second one has scrolling and refresh options. However, the actual html files are identical which is very good.
refresh=2 This defines after how many cycles the html file will be refreshed from the server
step=4 This sets the step size of the display
speed=10 This sets the speed of the display. 100 is very slow and 1 is very fast
We don’t print and hang result sheets any more. We have large monitors displaying the results dynamically which are updated as new results are posted. Depending on the computer speed, the step and speed parameters might need to be changed.