On the main screen view the Fleet view is more than adequate to view the Fleet name i require.
I am trying to insert a Fleet name that is in the region of 26/27 characters, via the Edit Competitor view and it will not allow me to enter more than 20 characters
I edit the column width via the Col Edit view and i can insert a width of over 200, but it has no impact on the number of characters that i am allowed to insert as the Fleet name.
The "Fleet" field is limited to 20 characters on the version I use
(2.9.7) but both the "Division" and "Class" fields will hold at least 52
characters (I didn't try more). So, you can get around the restriction
quite easily. Just use the "Division" or "Class" field and remember to
adjust what you "score by" when scoring. If you want the heading for
your used column to be "Fleet" instead of its default name (Division or
Class) you can edit the column heading as well.
"Fleet" in Sailwave is the default grouping of boats scored together so
it makes sense to normally have a fairly short name since those groups
are usually fairly obvious and shouldn't need long names. You might be
better off with a short "Fleet" name and then an explanatory note.
PS - Where I'm at the group of boats that start together is typically
called a "class" like the rulebook does. So, we routinely edit the
heading for the "Fleet" field to be "Class" (and change "Class" to "Boat
type"). Not a problem as long as you remember what you did when choosing
your "score by" function.
On the main screen view the Fleet view is more than adequate to view the
Fleet name i require.
I am trying to insert a Fleet name that is in the region of 26/27
characters, via the Edit Competitor view and it will not allow me to
enter more than 20 characters
I edit the column width via the Col Edit view and i can insert a width
of over 200, but it has no impact on the number of characters that i am
allowed to insert as the Fleet name.
The "Fleet" field is limited to 20 characters on the version I use
(2.9.7) but both the "Division" and "Class" fields will hold at least 52
characters (I didn't try more). So, you can get around the restriction
quite easily. Just use the "Division" or "Class" field and remember to
adjust what you "score by" when scoring. If you want the heading for
your used column to be "Fleet" instead of its default name (Division or
Class) you can edit the column heading as well.
"Fleet" in Sailwave is the default grouping of boats scored together so
it makes sense to normally have a fairly short name since those groups
are usually fairly obvious and shouldn't need long names. You might be
better off with a short "Fleet" name and then an explanatory note.
PS - Where I'm at the group of boats that start together is typically
called a "class" like the rulebook does. So, we routinely edit the
heading for the "Fleet" field to be "Class" (and change "Class" to "Boat
type"). Not a problem as long as you remember what you did when choosing
your "score by" function.
On the main screen view the Fleet view is more than adequate to view the
Fleet name i require.
I am trying to insert a Fleet name that is in the region of 26/27
characters, via the Edit Competitor view and it will not allow me to
enter more than 20 characters
I edit the column width via the Col Edit view and i can insert a width
of over 200, but it has no impact on the number of characters that i am
allowed to insert as the Fleet name.
I am still learning this product, and i am about to use it for my first Regatta, with multiple boat types and i have already done a majority of the setup, I have some handicapped and other One design within the same Sailwave file. So the Fleet field is the method to differentiate between various boat types with Handicaps and other One Design “Fleets” that do not use Handicaps.
So not sure how your suggestion will impact this overall set up.
I need to go away and see if i fully understand your option. So thanks for that…