Last year I wrote a program that will generate Sparkline charts from a Sailwave file. To accomplish this I received a lot of assistance and encouragement from Jon and Huw.
Sparkline explanation: Sparkline - Wikipedia
The program has many features such as highlighting sailors based on a criteria, a bar graph of the number of boats entered in each race, highlighting the top boats, custom highlighting, dynamic labeling, custom labeling, etc.
Here is a link to some of the chart types it can generate: Raw Race Results Sheets | 2022 WesMex
The way the program works is that it prompts you for the Sailwave file and it will then open the file and read the contents. For every race, starting with the last race, it rescores the results, collects the ranks and points of the boats, deletes the race and repeats this. After the first race it will close the Sailwave file without saving it.
It will detect if the series is part of a qualifying / final series and prompts you for the Sailwave file that contains the qualifying part. This is because the scoring set up is changed when a series moves from the qualifying to the final series.
You can access and download the program from the following two links:
I’ve created a small help file:
After the download just click on the file and it will install on your computer.
Keep in mind that this program is not supported by Jon, even though he is always willing to help me when needed.
Let me know if you have any problems or would like to see other functionality.