Submitting results to World Sailing

The World Sailing fleet race rankings are based results submitted by events. Sailwave has a XRR plugin that facilitates this. It’s probably not a feature that many of you use, but it’s important for the Olympic classes.

A link to the ranking explanation: World Sailing - Fleet Racing Rankings and a link to the actual fleet rankings: World Sailing - Fleet Racing

The WS ranking system has been overhauled and more changes will be made in the future. Like with rating systems, there are many opinions with regards to the ranking system.

As you can see in the screen capture below the current version of the XRR plugin has a limit of 150 entries.

The event had 156 boats and this meant the last 6 boats had to be entered manually into the ranking system by WS.

I’m not sure if this a bug or the limitation of the XRR exchange.


Hi Peter,

Are you saying the WS web service is working again now? They did take it down, while they were redoing the website and told me that they would let me know when it was going to be live again - but I’ve not heard anything for a few months now.

Did it work submitting them automatically?

The last two events I scored I didn’t even bother to try as the 4 events before that which I tried didn’t work because the WS system was down and they haven’t told me that they had fixed it at yet.

The World Sailing XRR addon for Sailwave has a Table/Grid for efficiency and expands its size in blocks of 50 so if you have 156 it should have gone to 200

Out of interest were all 156 the same class? You could submit them separately if not.

Look forward to hearing from you


Hi Jon,

Yes, the WS web service is supposed to be operational, but I created the XML file and emailed it to Matt.

All 156 boats were in the same class but 3 fleets Gold, Silver and Bronze. I did create three separate Gold, Silver and Bronze XML files, but Matt could only import one and he used the GOLD one.

Here is the link to the BLW file:

All 150 entries are green, but there is an entry in 151-156 that is still red and this is probably why I was not able to create a single file for Gold, Silver and Bronze. I deleted the last 6 ranked boats and the fleet column. At this point another red showed which I changed to green. At this point I was able to create a single xml file which Matt imported again.

Since all the boats were ranked correctly I didn’t need the fleet column. As it turned out, I didn’t need to delete the fleet column because I think that the single xml file method using Gold, Silver and Bronze works after deleting the last 6 records.

I exported the last 6 records to the clipboard and Matt entered those manually.


Hi Peter & Jon,

I have just had a look at the file Peter shared and I only get 150 competitors like Peter when doing the SailorID check. I tested both on my Windows 10 system and my openSUSE Tumbleweed system with Sailwave v2-29-6.

FYI - I also tried the event finder part of the plug-in and that comes back with ‘Failed to fetch from ISAF’ message on Windows 10 system and just sits with message ‘Request for details sent to ISAF’ on openSUSE system. I appreciate that using on Linux is only of interest to a very small number of people.

Kind regards,

Hi Jon,

Can you delete “LAS” and “LSR” from the picklist and add ILCA7, ILCA6 and ILCA4 when you are looking at the code.
