Suppress Errors

A year or so back, you kindly created a version of SailWave that had a ‘suppress errors’ button on score/rescore series.

This is because in a long series we have some 30 races, and out of 13 starts only 4 or 5 are competed at a time, so the system pops up with an ‘error’ for every start without boats … this means at the end of the series we would have to press OK some 200 times. Hence the suppress errors button.

However, this feature isn’t in the current download release and I don’t know where to get an executable now with the feature.

p.s. It isn’t really an error that no boats turned up for a particular start in a race, so can’t the error just be removed? I can’t see what value it adds, if you click OK to each ‘error’ the scoring still works.

Hi Alan,

The latest executable is here

There are links to it on the user group.

Its really a warning rather than an error.

It depends who you ask if its a necessary warning. In most cases it is because the user has misconfigured something so is useful. Everytime I’ve seen the warning its because I’ve done something wrong or forgotten something.

The warning means you have configured a start in a race for which there are no possible competitors which in some peoples view would be unusual. If there is someone in the competition which does not compete e.g. is DNC this does not generate a warning - only if there are no competitors are entered.




On 5 February 2017 at 15:30, [sailwave] wrote:

A year or so back, you kindly created a version of SailWave that had a ‘suppress errors’ button on score/rescore series.

This is because in a long series we have some 30 races, and out of 13 starts only 4 or 5 are competed at a time, so the system pops up with an ‘error’ for every start without boats … this means at the end of the series we would have to press OK some 200 times. Hence the suppress errors button.

However, this feature isn’t in the current download release and I don’t know where to get an executable now with the feature.

p.s. It isn’t really an error that no boats turned up for a particular start in a race, so can’t the error just be removed? I can’t see what value it adds, if you click OK to each ‘error’ the scoring still works.

Jon Eskdale
07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

Hi Jon thanks.

The error doesn’t quite work the way you describe. “you have configured a start in a race for which there are no possible competitor”

I configure starts where there are possible competitors, but they haven’t raced yet so are excluded until raced.

So there are possible competitors but currently excluded.

I have created a very simplified use case file to demonstrate.

Is it possible to not show the error when there are possible competitors even though currently excluded?

Not all boats in all out starts turn up during a series, but if I don’t excluded all boats, every result sheet would show some 500 odd boats as all members are automatically eligible for all series, hence they are preloaded at the beginning of the series and marked as excluded until sailed.

Is there a better way of managing club series?


Hi Alan,

Excluded competitors are not considered part of the series which I’m sure you understand.

so “you have configured a start in a race for which there are no possible competitors” would be true as far as Sailwave is concerned

There was no file attached but I can understand what you are doing. In that you are creating starts in case there may be a competitor for that start.

Personally I can appreciate its easier to delete a start than to create one so I would probably just delete the starts that don’t have any competitors if you don’t want to see the warning.

But the version I gave you a link to, has the ability to ignore the warnings after the first one if you wish to leave them there. It is only a warning and doesn’t stop you scoring but in most cases (I appreciate not yours) it usually occurs because the user has missed something.

You can use the copy starts to not have to enter all the details. Sailwave will also use the starts that you have for the last race as the starts for a new race. So in theory if you only add the starts once there is a boat for that start there is no issue.

How many starts do you have in your club racing?




On 6 February 2017 at 12:04, [sailwave] wrote:

Hi Jon thanks.

The error doesn’t quite work the way you describe. “you have configured a start in a race for which there are no possible competitor”

I configure starts where there are possible competitors, but they haven’t raced yet so are excluded until raced.

So there are possible competitors but currently excluded.

I have created a very simplified use case file to demonstrate.

Is it possible to not show the error when there are possible competitors even though currently excluded?

Not all boats in all out starts turn up during a series, but if I don’t excluded all boats, every result sheet would show some 500 odd boats as all members are automatically eligible for all series, hence they are preloaded at the beginning of the series and marked as excluded until sailed.

Is there a better way of managing club series?


Jon Eskdale
07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

We have 13 starts, banded by PY rating, they are complex to set up, and so the copy starts is a god send.

What we run, is in effect a pursuit race but with elapsed time calculations.

We have up to 30 races per series, but more often around 18 races, each weekend there is a different PRO.

Asking volunteer race officers to delete starts is a definite no no, they can barely operate the sailnum wizard and type times correctly.

The software is brilliant from its functionality, but unfortunately for clubs like ours which have volunteer Race Officers that turn up once or twice a year asking them to do anything more than the basics.

The summary instructions just to get results in and printed run to 4 pages of A4 which we have refined over and over.

In terms of ‘excluded’ competitors, is there a better way to preload entries of all club members and for them not to show unless they race?

In terms of ‘warning’, is there not a way to list all warnings in one go, without having to press OK on each warning?

Hi Alan,

So the version 2.22.1 - the link I sent you. This when it encounters the first warning allows you to click one button and skip all the others, is this working for you?

The only thing I could do is build you a version which totally ignores the warnings. But I would make this switchable so other users can still get the warnings.




On 6 February 2017 at 17:50, [sailwave] wrote:

In terms of ‘excluded’ competitors, is there a better way to preload entries of all club members and for them not to show unless they race?

In terms of ‘warning’, is there not a way to list all warnings in one go, without having to press OK on each warning?

Jon Eskdale
07530 112233

Skype “eskdale”

Yes thanks, the Supress Errors is working fine in that download. Thanks. Happy to keep it like that. It is slightly dangerous, as of course it can hide real errors not warnings, but can live with that.