SWHelper latest version?

Dear SW,

I am experimenting with NHC for Progressive Echo - as we have tweaked this for club racing I would like to use external spreadsheets.

SW looks for “SWHelper.exe” - I am running a very old laptop with Win7 - will SWHelper work with this ? I have excel.

All the best,


I found that NCH3 works for me and the helper is running - so perhaps it is an installation issue on my side.

Hi Boris,

It should run fine on a Win 7 Laptop with Excel. What issue do you have?



Hi Jon

It most likely is finger trouble on my PC.

When I use NHC3 it produces a result (external debug)
When I try and run the same file with NHC4 (external/custom) , which is what I tried first I get a message

“SWHelper - unable to find , Please check you have it installed correctly”

I interpreted that as SWHelper not found - but it could be that I have NHC4 not set up correctly - I do not have values A or B defined and do not have Excel paths defined.

So I could be missing a step.

Do both NHC3 and NHC4 use SWHelper ?

The reason I was checking NCH4 was that I expect to need to tweak the progressiveness - as our club has tweaked Progressive Echo with filters so I may need to do the same for it to be “accepted” as a replacement.

Project for the down season - so no pressure !


Hi Boris

If you want to use a custom template set it up like this

You can change the name of the Template to your custom one

When you are ready give me a call on my mobile and I’ll do a Teamviewer session with you to get you started


Ah - that makes sense ; sorry for not spotting that.

I will get some race data together and see what it does with regards to the handicap figures - and if needed I will contact you then for a starter session ? I would like to have a look to see if I can figure it out first as I have already taken up enough of your expertise and time !

Thanks again !

Morning John

I am trying this with some data from our system.

If I run NHC internal it produces reasonable handicap values for the races R1 through 4.

I enabled the external template as we use some custom settings for filtering - I did not change anything yet.

Template as used attached and the BLW file used.

If I run with the external template HHC3 I get a -2222xx number - as an underflow reported in some of the race results for races 2,3,4

R2 only has one entrant - which may throw things but R3 and R4 should be OK ?

nhc_trials.blw (37 KB)

(Attachment SWNHC3.xls is missing)

SWNHC3.xls is as per install - no changes ; the upload (sensibly!) is prohibited.

Hi Boris

If you email me your phone number jon@sailwave.com or give me a call on WhatsApp +44 7530 112233

I can investigate it but I tried it and it works fine for me



Many thanks for the phone call Jon - that clears all that up.

I am going to sit down with my co-conspirator next week and work out the finer points of the scoring - and then see how close we can get to our current system.

Many thanks again!