Team Ranking

We frequently use Sailwave's team ranking function for events such as
Interclub competitions. It seems to produce plausible results.

However, I am frequently asked how this function works. Does it
calculate the top `n' placings per team per race, i.e. its not
necessarily the points scored by the top `n' in the final score ?

Can any knowledgeable user or Colin explain the basic algorithm behind
team ranking?


Malcolm Osborne
Sedgefield, South Africa

Hi Malcolm,

The results are based on net points (I think is says that in the
window header). So its just the best N net points per team.

A better approach and one taken with the Volvo tropy in the ISAF/Volvo
Youth Worlds is to take the best N race results and I plan to add
another one based on the volvo trophy at some point. Or you could in
fact use the volvo trophy plugin…


Malcolm Osborne wrote:
