Temporary results


I`m doing the result for a 150 nm race.(400 competitors and elapsed time from 12-50 hours)
During the race I want to publish temporary results.
My problem is, when I rescore the serie, all boats without a result is given a DNC.

I`s there a way to rescore without Sailwave doing this ?
I still want to publish all boats, (To show that they still in the race)

Last year I made this work around:

1. I gave 1 boat a result and rescored, all other boats is then given a DNC.

2. Create a new scoring code like DNC.
3. Rename the old DNC -> "still sailing" (this will chance, all automatic DNC to "Still Sailing")

The new scoring code is renamed DNC and used as such. without any problems.

by doing this I`m able to publish correct results for all boats.

But I`m not able to use the "Don`t show competitors that already have a result for this race" in the sail num wizard.

Is there a way I haven`t seen ?
