Time penalty percentage

Wondering if there has been any recent thought around time penalties?. At present, it’s a manual correction, which is ok. Seems easiest to enter the finish time as usual, then select Elapsed time and adjust it to reflect the time penalty.

However, there is nothing on the score sheet that indicates a penalty has been applied. So the competitor doesn’t know we’ve applied a percentage. Could we have a new code or something?

Hi John,

There has not been any though around time penalties recently.

I am sure Jon will respond once he has finished scoring the 29er European Championship.

Kind regards,

Please add my vote to any plan to support time based penalties.

I’ve seen various discussions here - so I’m aware there are varying requirements - I run offshore racing that uses time based penalties, both fixed (10 minute penalty for X infringement) and percentage (5% penalty for Y infringement) - we apply them to the corrected time but obviously there’s an alternative to apply penalties to the elapsed time instead.

The most basic requirement is to be able to define one or more penalty codes that do nothing other than add text to the results explaining the penalty which the RO can add manually!


Hi Andy,

I will see what I can do in a future release. I can appreciate it could be helpful and I know it was quite a few years ago when it was discussed in detail but the outcome then was it wasn’t really required.

In the mean time you can however define penalty codes that do nothing other than give a code in the results and a written description if you publish the codes

If you create a new code eg TP5P for say Time Penalty 5% allocate a method of Scored points + N points but leave N blank it will not change the scored points
Then on the Properties tab add a description - You can publish these descriptions as an option when publishing

Hope this helps


Thanks for that tip, I’ll give it a go