Unified Ratings file uploaded

Hello All,

I uploaded my csv ratings file for beach cats. It uses the USPN class names and 2008 ratings. It includes the Texel, SCHRS and NMBR (a proposed rating system) ratings as well and these class names were reconciled with the USPN names.

This allows you to use Sailwaves alternate scoring system function to rescore any regatta (for fun and games only).

The local fleet uses weight adjustments and other PN adjustments in Portsmouth and these are separate entries in the rating file.

Some measurement ratings are estimates because the North American specific boats have not been measured so these results would not be certified.

Please email if you spot any typo errors or assignment errors. Mapping boat classes from one system to the other is not straight forward.

I created some scratch sheets of single handed and double handed cats.
Note that B 2-3 equals NON TRAP conditions for 50% of the fleet while B 4 equates to trapping conditions for 50% of the fleet in Texel and NMBR. SCHRS is strictly a single number system.



Feedback welcome

Mark Schneider
mschneid at msn at the . com