US Sailing High Points Percentage Scoring System

There has been several discussion topics for high points scoring, but I believe that all systems discussed do not really use throwouts to help boost a competitor’s score. They just delete the lowest scores which really hurts the competitors with thowouts relative to those without throwouts while the intent is to somehow adjust the overall result to benefit the competitor with throwouts. For low points, that deleting the highest scores works fine.

Would the developers consider implementing the US Sailing High Points Percentage Scoring System as described in or some other similar systempotentially with some enhancements:

  1.   Allowing for an expression to be added to the overall denominator and numerator for items such as total number of races sailed in the series, total number of races the racer sailed in the series, sum  of count of specific codes for the racer (e.g., RO, DNC, etc.), bonus points as describe in CBYRA High Points ([](, or other items that may want to be included or excluded (e.g., to encourage participation, not penalize for RO duties, etc.).  That system could then be used for CBYRA and other high points systems.
  2.   Calculate the best possible percentage for allowed throwouts.  This is a complexity that requires calculation all possible combinations of throwouts and finding the one that provides the highest score.  There are cases where taking the maximum number of allowed throwouts will not yield the best possible score.


Tom Owen