User Interface Thoughts for version 4.8

Here's some minor user Interface things that have occured to me
looking at v4.8. Firstly I'd like to say that the new exclude
competiors thing is a big benefit, because I can just import a list
of entrans from previous series - possibly in future the club
membership database - and just stuff thm in the series table ready
for when they start a race. There are a few things tho' that could
make this even easier...

It would be nice if clicking on a competitor's exclusion tick/cross
in the main columns were to toggle the flag. Then you could import a
full list of potential club entrants and check them in/out as
appropriate very quickly. I know you can do this more efficiently
with the tools menu options having entered results, but this would be
a bit more intuitive I think.

It could be useful to be able to Ctrl-click multiple entries in the
competitors list and perform various actions - delete, set exclusion
flag spring to mind

Less importantly (because this came up when I added the full list of
potential entrants to an existing file, less likely to be a common
option) it would be nice if delete competor were added to the right
click options on the menu for competitors, it would also be nice if
you could just hit the del key to delete one rather than having to go
through 4 actions including substantial moving of mouse round the

Also an MRU most recently used) files list in the start menu would be

regards, Jim C

Hi Jim,

Sorry for the delay in replying to this message, I have taken some of your
points on board in 1.39 and saved the other points for future ref. Thanks
for the feedback.



-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Champ []
Sent: 26 January 2002 17:43
Subject: [sailwave] User Interface Thoughts for version 4.8

Here's some minor user Interface things that have occured to me
looking at v4.8. Firstly I'd like to say that the new exclude
competiors thing is a big benefit, because I can just import a list
of entrans from previous series - possibly in future the club
membership database - and just stuff thm in the series table ready
for when they start a race. There are a few things tho' that could
make this even easier...

It would be nice if clicking on a competitor's exclusion tick/cross
in the main columns were to toggle the flag. Then you could import a
full list of potential club entrants and check them in/out as
appropriate very quickly. I know you can do this more efficiently
with the tools menu options having entered results, but this would be
a bit more intuitive I think.

It could be useful to be able to Ctrl-click multiple entries in the
competitors list and perform various actions - delete, set exclusion
flag spring to mind

Less importantly (because this came up when I added the full list of
potential entrants to an existing file, less likely to be a common
option) it would be nice if delete competor were added to the right
click options on the menu for competitors, it would also be nice if
you could just hit the del key to delete one rather than having to go
through 4 actions including substantial moving of mouse round the

Also an MRU most recently used) files list in the start menu would be

regards, Jim C

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