Using Exclude Column/Field Problem

Hi SUG Members,

Jon & I had an interesting little bit of detective work for a user today. Jon found the issue.

When using the Sail Number Wizard to enter results no competitor was shown when the sail number as entered. What is going on? Never seen this before.

The user had used the Exclude column/field to store competitor ages and renamed it to Age. Any non-zero number in the Excluded field/column sets the competitor as excluded hence competitor not showing when sail number entered in Sail Number Wizard.

Editing competitor details you only see a tick mark against Excluded not a value, if the value is greater than zero.Making the column visible in screen mode only shows if the competitor is excluded or not with an ‘x’ if excluded. It is only when the Sailwave .BLW file was opened in a text editor can the actual values stored be seen.

The learning from this is that there are a few fields/columns that should not be used for for storing data other than the default. Another field / column recommended not to be used for storing other competitor data is the ISAF/WS SailorID field/column.

The User Guide will be updated at some point to highlight the lesson learnt during this user help/support session.
Kind regards,