Using Sailwave to generate a new rating (personal handicap)

Hi all,

I’m trying to set up a sailwave file to calculate a PH for all our sailors.
I’ve used RYA NHC as the scoring method.
Inserted a column for the new rating.

The problem I have is with 3rd and 4th place.
You can see in the image the finishing times are ranked in order but the new rating I’m getting out doesn’t make sense as the new rating for 4th place is 1142 but 3rd place has a rating of 1147.

Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong?

Hi Hawkes - Welcome to the Sailwave User Group

Could you either share your file with me either here or via email
One thing I need to check is if you have changed the rating for R1. I can see the default ratings are all the same but if you press F6 then R it will display the ratings.
I also need to know how many competitors are in the race to be able to comment