Using the Sailwave website to advertise your events - why not!

While I set up the events facility to model events, I’ve noticed
people using it to help get their event out there - i.e. just create
the event add a single news story and let it sit there.

I have no problem with this, so please feel free.  In fact it's good

for me as well as you. I only ask you include a photo in the News
item so that the front page does not become boring. Up can upload
photos using the integrated editor or link to them using a URL.

I've updated the venue page deisng a bit.  Pleas keep adding venues

(your club) and populate with as much info as possible. I’ve added
a burgee field now as well.
Updated (again) and really simple terms and conditions for free use
of the software:-

Additional services:-


Colin J
Keep Sailwave Free