White sails PY from RYA PY

Another question -

If I have a RYA PY which is for a 3 sail boat (spinaker, jib, main) but the crew always sails white sails only is there a means to create an appropriate PY for that boat ?

What I was wondering is would there be a means of creating it of the “full” RYA PY ?

All the best


Hi Boris,

In the printed copies of RYA YR2 t he RYA included guidance on changing a PY if a boat sailed with a different configuration, for example without spinnaker. But this guidance is not included on the RYA web pages (at least that I have found).

The last printed copy of YR2 I have from 2002 had the following:
4 Variations from Base Rig
4.1 Where a cruiser does not conform to Base Rig for its class or type, allowances up to the following maxima may be applied on a trial basis:
Boat with headsails smaller than base rig +40
Boat with no spinnaker +40

If you would like to name the class of boat it may be that others have suggestions for change of rating number. It might also be worth contacting the class association to see if they have a suggestion.

Kind regards,

Many thanks.

I should have added this is for the dinghy races.

for example a laser vago with jib and main only for example or a gp14.

All the best Boris

Hi Boris,

Another thought - contact Technical Department at RYA to see if they can give you any suggestions.

Kind regards,

Will do, many thanks!